
2007-03-18 5:53 pm

plz***help me~~,,,因為我同意真係好難想呀,,,


回答 (2)

2007-03-18 5:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
名師能出高徒嗎??? not 100%, how many people are like HUNG ZHI ?
How many people are like BRUCE LEE ?
you can learn from them, but not necessary be the same as him ...
Of course, without the good teacher, we don't even have a chance to learn ...
If you have not see how BRUCE LEE fight, how can you know someone can do fighting like him ?
If you have not read Hung Zhi's idea ? how can you know someone can understand politics like him ?
I think I give you something to start with ....
If you just learn fighting from you uncle next door ? can you fight like Bruce Lee ?
good luck

2007-03-18 6:03 pm
首先, 你要建構大綱, 即係先諗, 你同唔同意呢句說話? 然後諗三個理由(論據)去支持你的說法, 而呢三個理由係要唔三個不同的論證手法寫出的。

你計下, 三百字, 引文同總結去左80-100字, 剩返二百字除三, 即係一個論據用七十個字到, 咁好易寫啫, 加油.
參考: 我是中文人

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