Cut and Paste 搞到唔見左d file, 點算好?

2007-03-18 5:31 pm
我本身諗住將portable harddisk入面d野cut and paste去部pc度, 點知傳送既途中, 電腦出左問題...... 點知係目的地(部pc)又搵唔到d files, 係來源地(portable harddisk)又冇左d files.....試左用undelete(freeundelete)程式.... 都搵唔到, 點算好?

回答 (1)

2007-03-20 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Normally, for cut and paste action, the file is paste successfully to destination before it cut from original location. It implies that if u cut it but does not have paste action, your file is still there.

Several things you can try :
1. If your file is deleted accidentally, u can try to find the Recycle bin of the PC.
2. Have u try to connect the USB hard disk and disconnect it properly by selecting the USB device to be disconnected. Re-connect it again to see if the file re-appear again
3. Have u try to use search in both USB hard disk and PC
4. Try to find if there is a temp file which u can recover part of information. ie. there are temp file in working folder which has a snap shot of the file
5. Search for all files which is created during your problem happen time stamp. See if there is any temp file created.

Hope this help.

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