其實什麼叫high tea

2007-03-18 9:28 am
之前我以為high tea....係普通食下下午茶...但聽d人講又好似唔係....

請問係唔係d 食物貴價d.定係 ????

回答 (5)

2007-03-18 9:38 am
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High tea
High Tea (also known as Meat Tea*) is an early evening meal, typically eaten between 5 and 6 o'clock in the evening. It would be eaten as a substitute for both afternoon tea and the evening meal. The term comes from the meal being eaten at the ‘high’ (main) table, instead of the smaller lounge table. It is now largely replaced by the later meal tea.

It would usually consist of cold meats, eggs and/or fish, cakes and sandwiches. In a family, it tends to be less formal and is an informal snack (featuring sandwiches, cookies, pastry, fruit and the like) or else it is the main evening meal.

On farms or other working class environments, high tea would be the traditional, substantial meal eaten by the workers immediately after nightfall, and would combine afternoon tea with the main evening meal.

"April 23.—Mr. and Mrs. James (Miss Fullers that was) came to meat tea, and we left directly after for the Tank Theatre". The Diary of a Nobody. George and Weedon Grossmith, with illustrations by Weedon Grossmith. 1892.
In recent years, High Tea somehow became a word for exquisite afternoon tea.

通常依家既人話去食high tea即係去D高級餐廳或者酒店度食,食物係會貴D精美D好食D,亦都有好多人亂咁講去食high tea其實只係食普通下午茶,懶型姐我諗
2007-03-18 9:38 am
high tea其實係英國人的傳統叫法,係英國傳入的,
在英格蘭,傳統high tea時間是四至五點七時以後,菜單也由茶葉、麵包、糕點、奶油組成,
英國 high tea的確貴,但不唔這樣才叫high tea,
2007-03-18 9:37 am
因為以前唔係個個都可以得閒到係下午歎下午茶, 一般都係d有錢太太唔駛做野約埋一齊去歎下午茶, 係d "high"人歎既下午茶, 所以之後比人叫high tea囉.
2007-03-18 9:36 am
high tea 係下午茶, 係以前英國d農夫收工時食既小食, 唔係貴野
參考: 睇tv講
2007-03-18 9:32 am

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