
2007-03-18 8:56 am
buffalo 320GB$9XX
除左USB2.0外 仲有咩要睇?
如果無咩問題 價錢首選 性能其次 除非真係太差
係咪目前全部所有外置harddisk 都係要插插蘇?
因為有d寫住 隨機開關 我唔明意思

回答 (1)

2007-03-18 1:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
係咪目前全部所有外置harddisk 都係要插插蘇? majority of 3.5" HD external need
插插蘇, or external POWER SUPPY ... since USB 2.0 cannot drive that SATA or EIDE by its own power suck from the PC.
Buffalo is the most popular/reliable brand in EXTERNAL HD, so it is always more expensive.
WD is the 2nd best, they make good hard drive...
stay away from MAXTOR ...
隨機開關 = ON/OFF switch in the external harddrive, you need to turn it on before windows XP can recognize the external HD when you plug it in the USB 2.0 cable. ( NO DRIVER NEEDED, PLUG AND PLAY)
So for price ... You can just take the Western Digital for 320Gb/768HKD :)
good luck
除左USB2.0外 仲有咩要睇? RPM, revolution per minute, in the cylinders ... and
access or response time.
( Check the RPM, the higher the number, the faster the DISK, if you want better performance, check the RPM of each drive :P )

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