
2007-03-18 8:21 am
請問這是葡萄牙文嗎? 意思是什麼呢?
Chega de saudade, a realidade é que sem ela não há paz

回答 (3)

2007-03-18 9:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
對, Chega de saudade, a realidade é que sem ela não há paz 是葡萄牙文, 意思如下 :

Chega de saudade, = Enough longing
a realidade = the reality
é que sem ela não há paz = Is that without her there's no peace

這句應該是一首巴西歌的其中一句歌詞; 歌名就是《Chega De Saudade》, 這是一首(及第一首先)典型的Bossa-Nova 風格樂曲, 是安東尼卡洛斯裘賓(Antonio Carlos Jobim)與費尼希鄔斯迪摩賴斯(Vinicius de Moraes)在1958年為了莉采琪卡鐸所(Elizete Cardoso)所譜的曲子,之後才又再添上英文歌詞,並取了更易讓人熟悉的「No More Blues」為曲名。

馬友友在其專輯《Obrigado Brazil》(情迷巴西)中也演譯過這首名曲.


2007-03-18 4:53 pm
Enough of longing, the reality is that without her there is no peace
2007-03-18 9:13 am
Yes, it's Portuguese.

Here's my (bad) translation:
The arrival of homesickness, the reality that it does not have peace within

P.S. Only translated it with my Spanish knowledge as Spanish is very smilar to Portuguese. Hard to translate without knowing the whole context. Anyway, you may also consult an online translation engine called Babel Fish.
參考: Babel Fish - http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr

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