when and how did atheism begin?

2007-03-18 6:51 am
right now all I know is that atheists do not believe in God. Is it posible to believe in God, but simply not worship him? I would just like to know more.

thank you for all of your answers, but I didnt find out much about history, and I got confused when many of you said everyone is born an atheist....I thought being an atheist was choosing not to beleive in God...if you dont know about him, can you really NOT beleive in him? I'm just a little confused here...

回答 (33)

2007-03-26 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
No child is born a believer. Faith and religion are taught.

It is not possible for me to believe in god(s), therefore there's no reason for me to worship one. Of course, I can't speak for other atheists, because we're not a CULT.

We're more like snowflakes - no two alike.
There really isn't any more to it than that.
參考: Just to add a note - I doubt there's anyone on the planet that doesn't "know" about god. I REJECT the notion. Just like I reject the notion of any other god, at any other time and place. It's not just yours, so don't be offended.
2007-03-18 6:54 am
Atheism is inborn and natural. Religion and belief in gods were created by men.
2007-03-18 6:54 am
atheism began when religions began......
2007-03-18 6:54 am
Everyone is born an atheist....no knowledge or concept of god.
Then, we are indoctrinated with whatever religion our family or community holds.
Later in life, we may, or may not, search other religions...and some return to atheism.
2007-03-18 6:55 am
Atheism began the first time someone said "Hey, a god created all this" and someone said "schyeah, right. As if."

Yes, it's possible to believe in God and not worship. Some people are pretty torqued at God, evidently.
2007-03-18 6:54 am
the first primitive man was an atheist. he had no precepion of god. It was man that created religion and it was man that created the idea of god
2007-03-18 6:53 am
Many people here worship a God that doesn't exist.
2007-03-18 6:54 am
I would think it would be born when religion was.
2007-03-18 6:54 am
Yes. I believe in God completely, but I don't go to any services whatsoever. Trust me, for you to do this is more normal than you could possibly imagine. Believe in your own way, in the end, that's gotta be the best way ;-)
2007-03-18 6:56 am
When the first human was born. No one is born believing in god, therefore everyone is born an atheist.
2007-03-18 6:54 am
Seek and ye shall find. "The God Delusion" Richard Dawkins
2007-03-18 6:57 am
It's always been around.

Technically though...it was just people as people with no such concept until believers made up the word and put it on the non believers.
2007-03-18 6:58 am
All atheism means is that you don't believe in any gods. It's not that we think he/she/it is really there but we just don't want to worship him/her/it. We do not see any evidence to support the existence of a god of any kind.

Atheism has always been around; in fact, everyone is born an atheist but taught whatever religion their parents believe in.

You're an atheist, too, do you know that? You don't believe in probably 99.999% of available gods. You would think it was silly to believe in Zeus or Osiris or Allah. You probably think Scientologists are wacked, and that Muslims are nutty. Atheists just believe in one god less than you do.

Check out godisimaginary.com
2007-03-18 6:57 am
Atheism was here before anything you were a atheist when born and then indoctrinated as a child and believed it just as you believed in Santa Clause. Luckily I was able to escape all the nonsense after finding science and history. An atheist is simply a person that does not believe in god. An agnostic is a person that is undecided about it all and just doesn’t do anything religious. A theist is one that believes in supernatural beings such as god without any evidence.

I agree with the person above check out the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. He as some free videos on youtube if you can’t afford the book or don’t live near a library.
2007-03-18 6:55 am
I believe in God and do not worship him. He was a creator of universes, he made ours and moved on to the next leaviong other gods to take his place
2007-03-18 6:53 am
when satan entered their heart and , mind
2007-03-18 7:17 am
It's very interesting to note that even Satan himself and the demons are NOT atheists.

James 2:19 says, "You believe there is one God do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder."

Although not atheists themselves, they use disbelief in God to mislead people.
2007-03-18 7:05 am
Atheism is the default position. It was around before the first human though up a god.

Yes. Most who fit that category are deists. They believe in a god, they just don't think that god cares rather they worship him or not. And it probably isn't god the way you mean it.
2007-03-18 10:26 am
As long as man has been able to question things, Atheism has been there.

You can believe in god, and not worship him. You would still be part of whatever religion you are.
2007-03-18 7:02 am
until that past 400 years, the word was an insult people called others, not something wanted to be called. That isn't the case in the East, with Hinduism and Buddhism both having atheistic beliefs.

You can head into 'weak atheism', which is about a half step from Agnostics, who think there might be a God, but don't care, don't think he has, can or will reveal himself.

You can probably develop some idea of your own, do some research, and find that others have believed the same thing for hundreds of years.

This site is not the most informative, but might be the most entertaining. Lots of inaccuracies and name calling.
2007-03-18 7:03 am
Before Atheism was even called 'Atheism', everyone was a little bit of a Theist and Atheist some were Polytheist.

Its a term used by Europeans to identify different denominations/groups of people who belief in different religions/no religion.
2007-03-18 7:03 am
As soon as someone came up with the concept of god(s), there were people who did not believe.

It isn't that we don't believe in god(s), we don't believe in the concept of any for of a deity or supernatural being. We are conceived, are born, live, and die. That is it. There isn't some mythical being out there controlling everything.

And, it isn't just not believing in the christian god. I don't believe in allah, and of the pagan gods, etc.

Other than that, there really isn't anything else to atheism. We don't have any "rituals, practices, or creeds". There is no need for any of that, as atheists share a non-belief in god, and that is about it.
2007-03-18 7:03 am
I do not think even an atheist can say they know the answer to this. It is not a fact. We can assume however that from the dawn of man they probably looked for answers and someone probably told them stories and some people believed em and some didn't. This is pretty clear even in the bible that people didnt believe god and just ignored him so it would seem that it was pretty much since the beginning. Personally I stopped believing along time ago when I started to realize that God's ego was bigger than his love for humanity.
2007-03-18 6:54 am
Well I don't believe in any form of God, Diety, or Higher being. I believe that humans evolved. What you are is an Agnostic. A believer of god but not any perticular religion.
2007-03-18 6:55 am
A long time ago. Somebody that had nothing to do.
2007-03-26 4:17 am
Atheism never began, because it doesn't exist. There is no such thing as an atheist, they are mythical creatures like unicorns or gnomes, created by overactive imaginations. All who profess to atheism are lying to themselves and to those they profess their unbelif to.

Yes, it is not only possible to believe in God but not worship him, most people do believe in God and spend most of their time not worshipping Him.
2007-03-26 3:55 am
If you can believe in yourself, you believe in God.
If you cannot believe in yourself, you cannot believe in God.
If you can believe in me, you can believe in God.
If you can`t believe in me, you can`t believe in yourself or God.
You can exchange the word believe for the word love and you will have the same results, strange isn`t it?
Love, Robert
2007-03-26 2:22 am
History of atheism
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Although the term atheism originated in the 16th century, based on Ancient Greek ἄθεος "godless, denying the gods, ungodly"[1] and open admission to positive atheism in modern times was not made earlier than in the late 18th century, atheistic ideas and beliefs, as well as their political influence, have a more expansive history.

The spontaneous proposition that there may be no gods after all is likely as old as theism itself (and the proposition that there may be no God as old as the beginnings of monotheism or henotheism). Psalm 14:1, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God" is one reference to the sentiment, expressed in the mid 1st millennium BC. Philosophical atheist thought appears from the 6th or 5th century BC, both in Europe and in Asia.

An Atheist will tell you there is no God--If they say there is a God they are not atheistic.
參考: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2007-03-26 1:37 am
I am sure you will get many different answers from many different angles on this one. Yet, I truly believe that not believing in the Creator began when we lost our personal relationship with him/her. I think it was a gradual thing. There have been atheists going back almost as far as history does.
2007-03-24 11:13 am
When men and women became aware of their egos.
2007-03-18 8:01 am
Many folks are very analytical and refuse to accept so many myths created by mankind. Isn't it amazing to you and others how the gods of all the various religions fit so neatly into the doctrine of THEIR church? And ONLY their church? Yet, each religion will immediately jump up to tell you that there is only ONE god. Strange how they each believe that the one god will only recognize their needs because of the way in which they practice their beliefs. God is in every living thing. When one recognizes and understands god's presence in themselves and all living things, you will start to feel it in a way you have never felt anything else. It will truly be a revelation within you. Knowing god is there with you 24/7 will give you a feeling of comfort and contentment you will not find anywhere else. You will often find yourself totally alone yet feeling quite good because you know god is there with you. You will find yourself talking and thanking him throughout each day. No one will ever again have the right to tell you about god. You will know him. Organized Religions are for those who want control of others and to have them believe as they do. One's respect and love of god does not require worship in a church or sitting amoung a bunch of psalm quoting, myth believing, brainwashed boobs telling themselves how good they are. Some have been going since they were in kindergarten and now as senior citizens they are carrying a list in their pocket of who is going to heaven and who is going to hell. I am simply one who believes he knows god. I am not a preacher and I am definitely not a member of ANY religion.
2007-03-18 7:16 am
Atheists have been around as long as believers in gods have.
2007-03-18 7:04 am
Atheism isn't a religion. There was no formal beginning. As long as people believe in religion there are people who don't.

It is certainly possible to believe in God and not worship him. Do you mean not formally worship as in going to church, praying, and such or do you mean to not worship him as a higher being, divine father, or whatever? Either is possible.

There are very many people who choose to practise their beliefs privately. They don't go to churches, mosques, temples, or what have you. They choose to practise their religious beliefs on their own terms rather than those dictated by a committee.

There are also people who believe in some form of a higher consciousness but don't believe it (him, her, whatever) to be something to be revered. Maybe it's that they believe it isn't a creator or, maybe they do but see it/him/her as more of a parent figure. Something to be thankful for but not worshipped.

It is possible to believe anything you choose to believe. If it feels right to you then it's no more or less correct than any one else's beliefs.

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