Does god have a religion?

2007-03-18 6:42 am
I recently became curious about religion. I am a born Sikh, but I have also been learning about other religions to become a bit more open minded. And I have become curious if people actually associate god with a specific religion. If he really does have a religion then why would he send messiah's and prophets at different times to deliver his message and each time the religion was given a different name. Why didn't he just 'name' it the same all across the globe? Do you think that Christian god, Hindu God, and Sikh god are all different and we have different heaven/hell? I am curious to know what people think. I am not trying to start a religious debate. Feel free to express yourself.

Even if we are to agree that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, then why would God send another Messiah (Prophet Mohammad and Sikh Guru's). Why didn't he just let the Apostles spread his word to other parts of the world?


So if i am a born Sikh and I choose to convert, would I end up in Sikh hell/heaven or the new religion hell or heaven?

回答 (20)

2007-03-18 6:55 am
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2007-03-18 6:45 am
God is an Atheist. He doesn't believe in a power higher than himself.
2007-03-18 6:50 am
religion is man made, it has nothing to do with God .
God is God and his Kingdom will stand when all others fall
2007-03-18 6:49 am
religion is a man made concept
2007-03-18 6:47 am
According to my beliefs....No. God did not create religions. He just created. Man "made" religions.
2007-03-21 11:23 am
Yes God has religions. It is mainly becuase God is not like us. He has His/Her own understanding. like God is beyond sex, but some force to be Him and other proclaim Her. Therefore, instead of bringing God to our own understanding we need to see God from God's own understanding. LIke it is mention in the Bible that God showers rain and sunlight on both, sinners and pious. therefore, we cannot and should not limit God instead. One might find something good in his/her religion. but it is difficult to follow. we need to learn more and more about God by practical steps instead of going theoratical. If we are just theoratical (2+2=4) then I am sure we can have either Hindu god, Christian god or Islamic god etc. if we go searching God practically then I am sure God is not only within a Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, or any other person but God will be around him/her as well.
參考: Haroon Nasir, Research Associate, Christian STudy CEntre, 126 Murree Road, Rawalpindi PaKistan, 92515567412
2007-03-20 2:53 am
In many ways G(g)od(s) or Allah or a "Deity" or deities are all rooted in ancient history, in relatively similar roots. Whether people from religious background want to admit it or not, religion was something that evolved - not something that simply spawned out of no where.

For instance, Abrahamic religions like Muslim and Christian cultures share similar beginnings (Abraham) with different tales of creation, but creation none the less. Most religions offer Hell/Heaven or Heaven/Nothing. In all cases of religion there is usually at least an option for more than "nothing". Indians believed that they would become a part of the Earth (possibly a specific creature/plant or a part of the whole). Abrahmaic religions generally support Heaven/Hell. And even those who renounce hell, will not renounce heaven.

Religion itself seems to have begun from unexplainable phenomenon. A long, improbable drought may be easier to understand if attached to a "god", rather than "science". Especially since they had absolutely no understanding of science. This process of unexplainable phenomenon would most likely lead to multiple deities (gods). Much like the Greek gods. At first they would most likely be unorganized. But people would come to agree that seperate gods may really be the same thing. And thousands of gods could be easily simplified to an understandable 100 or so. A god of sea may also be a god of rain and of plant growth and crop success. He/she may also serve as a destroyer of plants and lack of water. There is a possibility for multiple gods here, but one can take all the credit with believability.

Multiple gods were simplified to gods, like the ancient greek gods. They became further simplified on occasion (as some gods rose to be viewed superior) Jupiter (Rome), Zeus (Greece). In the Jewish faith, they believed that all the gods were really just one God (a super simplification of the already simplified greek culture). They basically forgot about all the other gods but Jupiter or Zeus. And made him into THE God. Which happened to be a far different God. The new religion allowed for changes to occur, but it remained similar to other Abrahamic religions of the time. The New testament for Christians would be the real change (with Christ).

So in short, religion has evolved. Every religion really is similar. It is like saying the rich person must be insanely different from the poor person. Yet they both live under roofs and on the same planet. They are still people and wear clothes. The similarities outweigh the mild (though we consider them major) differences.
2007-03-19 9:52 pm
I am a christian. I believe their is one true God. Jesus is the Son of the one true God and a part of this one true God. God has three parts God the Son God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. I believe that other gods are false. There is only one heaven and one hell. So if you convert there is no Sikh hell to go to. I believe the prophets that started other religions were not sent by God. So why is religion so confusing and why are their so many. My answer is Satan. He is a great deceiver. He is not all powerful as God but he is powerful especially when it comes to persuasion. He has fooled many people who in turn spread the lies. I am not trying to offend anyone I am just stating what I believe. I can tell you I am not perfect I will never completely comprehend God and who he is and I am sure I am not right all of the time but I try to learn as much as I can from the Bible.
2007-03-18 8:09 am
Religion is all about hyprocrosy, There is only one faith, and only one belief, and only one god, and only one rabbi( only one teacher). Like paul said faith without actions is noting. Problem is there is far too many religions in this world, When even christ said Straight and Narrow is the way and FEW they be that find it. He also said Broad is the way to destruction and MANY there be that go there.
Now it is good you question, cause christ said that for everyone that seeketh findeth, for everyone that knocks the door shall be open. If i have perked your interest, please let me know. I will give you keys that not many can, If i have insulted you please forgive me.
2007-03-18 7:15 am
God is God. He created everything. How could he have a religon if he is a God of a religon? He is the greatest. and there is none other like him. nothing can match God
2007-03-18 6:52 am
I think God delights in all the various ways in which he is loved and worshipped, like a kindergarten teacher who delights in the finger-paintings of her little students.

Funana (below), Christianity teaches that God is our loving Father and He loves all his kids the same, not just those who have chosen Jesus.

Brother (below), you say the problem is there are too many religions. You are scary. Which ones would you eliminate?
I liked what you said about whoever seeks will find, and knock and the door shall be opened. I just hope I don't open the door to someone with a machine gun who thinks my religion should be eliminated. Somehow, I don't think that's what Jesus meant when he said that stuff.
2007-03-18 6:46 am
Religion is a human invention.
2007-03-18 6:45 am
No different minds have created all this drama.
2007-03-18 6:45 am
NO. : )
2007-03-18 7:28 am
There is only one true religion of God that he accepts(Ephesians4:5,13)
Yes he has one and he identifies it in(Isaiah43:10-12 ; Jeremiah15:16)God did not start all the different religions that we have today, most religions come from people wanting to do things their way not necessarily God's way this was by inspiration from Satan the Devil that they formed many religions Satan's idea was to create confusionthis is why people say that it doesn't matter what religion you belong to or choose becausde they all lead to God. But do they?Not according to Jesus, he did not teach that, all religions are simply roads leading to the same place of salvation. In his famous Sermon on the mount he said: "Go in through the narrow gate:because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it ; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it."(Matthew7:13,14)Because they fail to worship God in the right way, most persons are on the road to destruction. Only a few are on the road leading to God and therefore life. So if it were true that it does not matter what religion we choose and what we are doing in our life then we wouldn't need to go in through the narrow gate we could just simply go with the flow on the wide road that most people are going on, and still et there, but Jesus said that we should go on the road that leads to life if we want life.So there are not many roads that all lead to God ut as Jesus pointed out there are only two roads one leads to destruction and the other to life. It is therefore very vital that we search for the narrow gate and cramped roadand then walk on that one because it is the one religion that God approves. Would it be reasonable to believe that all religions were right, especially when they contradict each other? If they were all right would it not be more reasonable to expect them to be in agreement?And they would be in agreement if they were really all leading to God! But God also only sent one Messiah Jesus Christ he did not need any more than one Messiahjust as he only set up one religion because there is no need to have many religions with their conflicts and disagreements, this is because God is God not of disorder but of order(1Corinthians14:33)
2007-03-18 7:12 am
I am so honour to answer you. Look no further.

For example, in Buddhism, the Hindu God Indra is introduce as Buddha's prime devotee among heavens, in Taosim, he is known as Emperor Jade, commonly among Chinese, we call him the "God". Some even believe he is Jehovah, Allah, Zeus and others. In Buddhism text, Indra starts his god career by becoming buddhist.

Does Indra got religion? Yes, he is a buddhist, he is also a taoist. He is actually following the path of universe by the name of Buddhism. However, there are other gods only believe in themselves, by arrogance or overconfidence, unable to understand or whatever reasons. Some gods believe in greater gods, promptly their parents.

Many gods interact with people with more than one methods, like a game, like a job.

Check this out, your daddy is your daddy but not your mommy's daddy and definitely not your children's daddy but he is the same person.

Different heavens? yes, totally. Vertically by Mt Meru, 28 levels, horizontally, unchartered but a lot, for example, the stars, sun, moon, and 4 kings are on the 1st level, below Indra loka.

Different hells? yes. Hell can be built anywhere.

Different dimensions, realms.... and the ultimate power that passes through all freely is enlightenment like Buddha.
2007-03-18 7:05 am
Allah Swt is only God and Muhammad is his last and final Prophet ( Pbuh). Allah Swt created the Religion of Islam.
參考: Please nominate me as best answer, Thanks and Peace be upon You.
2007-03-18 6:48 am
religion is created by man, not God. That is why it doesnt make sense. Each religion has its own set of rules and ways that dont make any sense. God never said anything about religion in the Bible. The only true religion is Judaism, because it came straight from God, and was set aside for the Jews because of the covenant with Abraham
2007-03-18 6:52 am
God love those that have chosen His Son Jesus.<><
2007-03-18 6:45 am
yeah he's an atheist and rightfully so after all he knows everything including his lack of existence !

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