Have you heard that Jesus can save you from eternal death in hell?

2007-03-18 6:36 am
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE!!!" PRAISE JESUS!!!! HE PAID THE PRICE!! HE DID IT ALL FOR ME AND I DIDNT EVEN DESERVE IT!! PRAISE JESUS CHRIST THE LORD OF THE UNIVERSE NOW AND FOREVERMORE!!!!!!

回答 (22)

2007-03-18 6:38 am
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What do you get out of doing this?
2007-03-18 1:41 pm
"eternal death"? Kind of an oxymoron isn't it?
2007-03-18 1:40 pm
YES I HAVE!!! Praise the Lord!!!!
2007-03-18 1:40 pm
I'm glad you got that off of your chest. You can keep your fear based religion.
2007-03-18 2:50 pm
Yeah...I've heard it a couple of thousand times before.

I also heard that Santa delivers toys to all the good children of the world every christman, and that jesus died on the cross so that we can eat chocolate eggs...
2007-03-18 1:47 pm
Why yes I have and yes he did.
2007-03-18 1:40 pm
Have you heard that pot can save you from Glaucoma?
2007-03-18 1:40 pm
I might care if I actually thought I was in danger of "eternal death in hell".
2007-03-18 1:40 pm
oh common! eternal death ????- its just death!!!!! - there is no hell except if someone would tell me that hell is on earth , I might buy that - now stop spreading nasty rumors!
2007-03-18 1:50 pm
Thank God Islam also believes in Jesus. Otherwise all Muslims will be a goner. What ever.
2007-03-18 2:02 pm
i recall hearing that somewhere, now if you could explain (using logic and evidence of course) what exactly this "hell" is, then maybe i'd be interested.
2007-03-18 2:20 pm
Yes... Praise his holy name. Amen! Thank you for giving me eternal life!
2007-03-18 1:44 pm
That is so true! AMEN!!!

It is so sad that so many people have such hate in them. Bless your soul if you don't believe. However, if you don't, why do you have to be so ugly and aggressive?
2007-03-18 1:41 pm
no.. if youre already in hell youve been taken away the privilege to talk to god, so he cant hear your pray and dont even notice you exist...

if u believe in that sort of things...........
2007-03-18 1:40 pm
I have heard that. I am waiting to hear back from other satisfied customers.

2007-03-18 1:46 pm
Honey, this is just a lot of manmade stories. None of it is true. Why would god hate the world so much that he sent part of himself to save the sinful people (whom he created sinful) from his own wrath? and that part of himself (jesus) had to die a painful death to atone to himself? Does that make any sense at all? Check out godisimaginary.com for more questions and answers.

Have you ever thought about how bizarre the crucifixion story is? Imagine the all-powerful, all-knowing creator of the universe sitting on his magnificent throne in heaven. He looks down onto earth and says to himself:

Those evil humans down on earth. I hate what they are doing. All this sin...
Since I am all-knowing I know exactly what the humans are doing and I understand exactly why they commit each sin. Since I created the humans in my own image and personally programmed human nature into their brains, I am the direct author of all of this sin. The instant I created them I knew exactly what would happen with every single human being right down to the nanosecond level for all eternity. If I didn't like how it was going to turn out, I could have simply changed them when I created them. And since I am perfect, I know exactly what I am doing. But ignore all that. I hate all these people doing exactly what I perfectly designed them to do and knew they would do from the moment I created them. I HATE IT! I tried killing all the humans and animals once in the flood. That certainly did not fix the problem.

So here's what I am going to do. I will artificially inseminate a virgin. She will give birth to an incarnated version of me. The humans will eventually crucify and kill the incarnated me. That, finally, will make me happy. Yes, sending myself down and having the humans crucify me -- that will satisfy me. I feel much better now.

It makes no sense, does it? Why would an all-knowing being need to have humans kill himself (Jesus is God, after all) to make himself happy? Especially since it is a perfect God who set the whole thing in motion exactly the way he wanted it? The whole story of the crucifixion is absurd from top to bottom if you actually stop to think about it.
2007-03-18 1:41 pm
Blah, blah, blah, blah.....

Jesus was a cool dude with some good messages. But he died 2000 years ago - get over it!
2007-03-22 11:16 am
What do you mean, "CAN save YOU"? How about WILL save the ones that the Father has given him? Jesus is talking about the Elect, so you are absolutely correct in that you didn't even deserve your salvation. The "world" of John 3:16 gets a little smaller 2 verses down. .
2007-03-22 12:59 am
I had heard that before. Believe it or not, you are NOT the first person to mention that here! *eyeroll*

Now the question is-- do I believe it?
2007-03-18 1:59 pm
not stated right,saved from death and Hell
Good !
God is so good
2007-03-18 2:40 pm
Heard........and received! :)
2007-03-18 1:39 pm
ummm... ya

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