Have you reject Jesus because of Jesus or because of people?

2007-03-18 6:32 am
Please respond if it applies to you.

回答 (25)

2007-03-18 12:15 pm
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I rejected him as I was born Jewish-I was taught he was a liar and deciever, now I have accepted him as my Messiah and best friend, and life is grand. John 3 repent and be born again, to see the kingdom of heaven; Jesus said it!
2007-03-18 1:35 pm
I reject anything that doesn't make sense. god, jesus "son of god", heaven, hell, all nonsense.
2007-03-18 1:38 pm
I have nothing against Jesus, I hear nothing but good things about him. The thing is that I am not hear to please him or live for him - though he may be a good role model. I am not here to sit in a church and listen to other people tell me what I should think about the nature of this existence and the Unknowable. I enjoy the discussion, the speculation and weighing all the ideas myself, thanks. I don't need a savior or an advocate back home. I am in tight with the home office myself.

2007-03-18 1:37 pm
Because of the Old Testament, it's impossible to believe.
2007-03-18 1:48 pm
I like how you assume that all non believers are idiots that do things out of spite. I reject Jesus because he was just a man and there is no such thing as god. We know that we’ve evolved and that the universe is self maintained. Where does that leave room for a god? I disbelieve because there is not one single shred of evidence for a creator. But there are mountains of evidence for evolution and the big bang theory. I also disbelieve because the bible is a complete hack job borrowing stories from other religions or cultures and altering them. It advocates murder rape sexism and ignorance all in a nice little package. That's why I reject Jesus because although he was a nice man. I do not believe he was god and I'm not even sure if he did.
2007-03-18 1:48 pm
Because it is a silly manmade myth.

Have you ever thought about how bizarre the crucifixion story is? Imagine the all-powerful, all-knowing creator of the universe sitting on his magnificent throne in heaven. He looks down onto earth and says to himself:

Those evil humans down on earth. I hate what they are doing. All this sin...
Since I am all-knowing I know exactly what the humans are doing and I understand exactly why they commit each sin. Since I created the humans in my own image and personally programmed human nature into their brains, I am the direct author of all of this sin. The instant I created them I knew exactly what would happen with every single human being right down to the nanosecond level for all eternity. If I didn't like how it was going to turn out, I could have simply changed them when I created them. And since I am perfect, I know exactly what I am doing. But ignore all that. I hate all these people doing exactly what I perfectly designed them to do and knew they would do from the moment I created them. I HATE IT! I tried killing all the humans and animals once in the flood. That certainly did not fix the problem.

So here's what I am going to do. I will artificially inseminate a virgin. She will give birth to an incarnated version of me. The humans will eventually crucify and kill the incarnated me. That, finally, will make me happy. Yes, sending myself down and having the humans crucify me -- that will satisfy me. I feel much better now.

It makes no sense, does it? Why would an all-knowing being need to have humans kill himself (Jesus is God, after all) to make himself happy? Especially since it is a perfect God who set the whole thing in motion exactly the way he wanted it? The whole story of the crucifixion is absurd from top to bottom if you actually stop to think about it.
2007-03-18 1:42 pm
I reject all things that appear to be false.... jesus, god, allah, bible stories, koran nonsense, heaven, hell, life after death, angels, jinn, etc., etc., etc..

Nonsense is best kept for entertainment purposes.

[][][] r u randy? [][][]
2007-03-18 1:39 pm
I never had cause to accept or reject the legend of Jesus just the ones that idolize the man, they are rejectable .

Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.
Albert Einstein
2007-03-18 1:37 pm
i dont know jesus...

so its because of bible and ppl
2007-03-18 1:38 pm
People are the ones who introduced me to him to begin with. Those same people are the ones who twisted the idea of him into a million different denominations and belief systems. I don't reject him, but I do need proof of him and God. Yes, it was people who turned me away. Not to mention, the more I studied science the more I came to accept facts backed up by evidence.

I fully understant though, that just becuase we can't prove something doesn't mean that it's not possible. It's just sooo difficult for me to grasp...the whole God thing.
2007-03-18 1:38 pm
people--and I didn't exactly reject HIM so much as his followers--he's still okay by me
2007-03-18 1:37 pm
I reject the concept of Jesus being the Messiah and divine because it is theologically and biblicaly unsound.
2007-03-18 1:36 pm
I don't reject Jesus totally. I still admire him as a man.
2007-03-18 1:57 pm
i reject jesus because it doesnt make sense, and there's no proof
2007-03-18 1:36 pm
I rejected Jesus for my own shortcomings. Luckily I found my way back to Him. : )
2007-03-18 1:38 pm
The spirit of God now guides me
people are ignorant
unless there of the spirit
Yes they affected me .those weird Christan's, but the spirit guides me now not people. I knew my wonderful Christian parents and grandparents and so i came back to Christ
May you be blessed by the holy spirit of God
2007-03-18 1:35 pm
i for 1 have never and never will reject or deny jesus.
2007-03-18 3:09 pm
Jesus as the son of god and King of Jews I will never reject. If I do I might as well reject Buddha. It is the message that he spread has been screwed up. I am sure of this. It is the current interpretation that I reject.
2007-03-18 1:40 pm
Great question... while I am an atheist, I don't reject Jesus. I don't believe he's the son of God. I do believe he was a good man who apparently told some good stories about how to be good to one another. But I have no proof that he's the son of god and I don't believe the bible constitutes proof.

I don't believe there IS a god for him to be the son OF, so therefore, he can't be the son of god.

I also believe the story of how he was crucified and then came back to life is both gruesome and ludicrous, and I refuse to share that with my son. And I believe people who brainwash their children with this dogma should have their children removed.
2007-03-18 1:38 pm
I would not reject Jesus,ever,under any circumstances.
2007-03-18 1:40 pm
Jesus was a gentle Rebbe with some wonderful ideas....most of which have been abandoned or twisted by his present followers. He was also an anointed Magus and birth member of the Magi.
2007-03-18 1:39 pm
Today's Jew rejects Jesus because he did not fulfill any Old Testament Prophesies nor did he defeat the Roman Empire.

Today's Muslim acknowledges Jesus as the last prophet before Muhammad but rejects Jesus because there is no God but Allah and Jesus cannot be the son of Allah because Allah had no sons.

Today's athiest rejects Jesus for a multitude of reasons.

Today's agnostic rejects Jesus because that person believes in science than in faith.
2007-03-18 1:38 pm
I don't reject Jesus, I reject the Christian religion because God guided me to something better.
2007-03-18 1:36 pm
Your question is rather vague.
2007-03-18 1:36 pm
This applies to me. I reject Jesus because of the people and because Jesus was just a man, a Jew and a rabbi.

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