So far we have...?

2007-03-18 6:21 am
an all you can eat buffet and surfing in heaven...anyone else care to add anything?

If I ever find faith, if God and heaven do exist....I would only hope to see family, my dogs, and horses....oh and maybe a neverending supply of Chinese food...

How about you?

Hey Puton...just play along!


Soul...that's not going to be fun for the females you know! LMAO!


Hey St.Lady! Nice to see you outside the dog section!!

回答 (14)

2007-03-18 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No more pain of any kind mental, physical, emotional. Only peace, warmth and comfort. That's what I was promised and that's what I am counting on.
2007-03-18 1:25 pm
Don't forget the beer fountain! The FSM says so!
2007-03-18 1:24 pm
Everyone would be a born-again-virgin, no matter how many times you have sex in heaven.
2007-03-18 1:26 pm
White russians, screwdrivers, cosmopolitans...even just the vodka ... &

OK, I"m happy!
2007-03-18 1:32 pm
I kinda like the Flying Spaghetti Monster version--beer volcanoes and strippers. Sounds good to me.
2007-03-18 1:28 pm
Really fast broadband...uh-oh, did I just share a little too much?
2007-03-18 1:26 pm
i would like to eat the fruits on tree of knowledge of good and evil, so i would finally learn all the truth and yell at god NO MORE LIESSSSSSSSS IM SICK AND TIRED OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-18 1:27 pm
Who told you that you wouldn't have all of these things? Someone told me once that our pets wont make it to heaven because they don't have the intellect to choose their faith...... Well, God created them, didn't He?

I think that the fact that you are maybe a good sign..... Don't give up!

This may sound hokey - but I will pray for you....really.
2007-03-18 1:26 pm
I would like to picture heaven as a place where you will be happy and content. (whatever that means to someone who loves God)
2007-03-18 1:24 pm
All these earthly things will pass away and be replaced by things that will by far outshine anything that you can find on earth.

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