question for athiests only?

2007-03-18 6:13 am
I'm no christian and realize there are many hipocrites that call them selves christians. I believe that christianity when done right is a very good force, Maybe 2% who call them selves christians truely are, but why do most you always want to prove them wrong why leave snide remarks on there questions. when you act that way aren't you acting just like the "christians" you hate. to me the ones that act like this are just like the bible thumpers on my door that knock after I tell the not interested do you get what I mean

回答 (16)

2007-03-18 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because of the 98% that like to tell us, quite frequently, that we're going to burn in hell. There's only so many times that you can be told how evil you are before you want to respond. For us, the best way to prove that we aren't evil or going to burn in hell is by poking holes in their theories.

And actually, it doesn't prove that we act like the "christians" we hate ... it means that they act exactly like us! The christians are the ones who are called to be separate; to live in the world but not be of the world. Most of them fail pretty horribly in this department.
2007-03-18 1:17 pm
I don't want to be "Christian", even if it's being at my best. I want to be an Athiest. There's a huge difference. As for why we leave snide remarks, we answer with the tone that the question deserves.
2007-03-18 1:17 pm
No, I don't get what you mean. Try the's painless.
2007-03-18 1:19 pm
No, I don't get what you mean. We are free to respond in kind if we want to. Unlike christians, we aren't required by anything but our conscience to turn the other cheek or be nice. Leaving sarcastic answers for our own amusement is a pretty harmless way to let off steam and let them know that we see the absurdities they are preaching and aren't impressed.
2007-03-18 1:16 pm
I make a conscious effort not to insult. Oh, and I don't hate Christians.
2007-03-18 1:17 pm
Because we cannot understand how otherwise normal and intelligent individuals can believe in something so incredibly silly and absurd. It is so tremendously obvious to us that even the most heartfelt and wonderful theists seem to believe in the ridiculous.
2007-03-18 1:15 pm
Their delusional beliefs hurt mankind as a whole.
2007-03-18 1:19 pm
Because Christianity, or any other religion, is a waste of time, effort, and money. Resources devoted to it could better be used to get rid of poverty and disease, and invent new technology. Society would benefit, as would the individual. Furthermore, it is an abuse of the intellectual process; you cannot draw valid conclusions unless you think logically. Which, of course, you cannot do with religion: it is not a logical thing.
2007-03-18 1:19 pm
I leave snide remarks on athiest questions too.
2007-03-18 1:29 pm
It's hard not to get frustrated with people who aren't open to reasonable discussion and who cling to their myths in spite of massive evidence that the bible and other "holy books" are just fictional manmade stories. Many if not most atheists are former Christians, and it makes us angry that we were sold a bill of goods. Instead of focusing on living the one life we have to the fullest, Christianity and other religions focus on the "next" (fictional) life. What a waste. So, in light of that, many atheists feel that it is important to let people know that religion is a lot of hogwash.
2007-03-18 1:17 pm
A question for Atheists on a Religion section.........???????
2007-03-18 1:43 pm
Ditto the mom answerer above me. Not to mention that they want to teach creation nonsense in school and rob kids of a science education.
2007-03-18 1:29 pm
I do not and have never left snide remarks. I have on occasion gotten some to some of my questions though. I personally believe that religion should be something you practice at home and/or in the church and it should have no bearing on public life period, but it does. Christians, muslims, everyone runs countries and politics and work places and schools, etc. with religion as thier basis. This is fundamentally wrong in its application. Public should be based on HUMAN rights and not RELIGIOUS one. There would be no misinterpretation of the law then because it would apply to everyone. I will never appologize or burn in hell because I feel that way but I have been told so..........Do you honestly think GOD would consider it wrong if we decided to put HUMANITY before religion because we felt we needed to in order to save humanity?
2007-03-18 1:27 pm
Every little bit helps. Like when you vote for your candidate. No one person is going to change society. However, when you put voices together it contributes to the cause. I'm here as one of those voices.
A strong case can be made that religion has helped humanity in history. However, it has also hurt tremendously. The sooner we can replace it with something better, the better off we will be. The main problem with religion is that it's founded on ignorance. Much of the religious texts have "moral" principles that can't be applied to today's socities, eventhough they might have been appropriate a thousand years ago.
There is something more insidious about religion though. These principles are held together by beliefs that do nothing more than enforce the core moral teachings. What I'm talking about is the defense of beliefs that give the particular religion the authority to dictate morality. The authority behind the religion. The existence of God, the claim of Creationists, the origins of the universe, and of eternal salvation. The advancment of science as obtained good answers to these questions. That in turn can help us all. But because of religious dogma, there are attempts to suppress it.
LIVES ARE ON THE LINE. Yet, all we get is silly arguments from the likes of Christians who insist that this life means nothing. Because there is an afterlife. That is selfish! What they are doing is saving the welfare of their own psychology by believing in a delusion. While at the same time sacrificing the rest of us, who will hopfully reinforce their flawed beliefs.
Many of them believe that they do in fact indirectly do what is best for humanity by believing in a higher power. But because there is a "middle man" ( namely their religion), they fall far shorter of this goal than if they cared for humanity directly.
Thats why I'm a secular humanist. I love the human race. I don't indirectly only love myself, by "loving" a religion. I'm here to encourage other people to do the same for the sake of us all
2007-03-18 1:24 pm
If I see serious questions and have a decent answer I try to give it. If I see ignorant stupid christian trolls posting then I answer them for what they are. Those "Gee isn't God great?," "Yes God is wonderful!" posts are not religious questions. They are just chat.
When I see the "Do you think all atheists will burn in Hell," posts I guess i get a bit snide in responding.
Now go read some more Chick Tracts.
2007-03-18 1:21 pm
i dont hate a stereotype, i hate generally ignorant at the same time arrogant ppl, and some of them happen to be religious ppl, not necessarily christians, theyre not the worst. illusion and ignorance are evil and they do harm the world in every directions.

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