Help!!.... I gave myself to Christ... but he rejected me... what is his problem?...?

2007-03-18 6:11 am

回答 (37)

2007-03-18 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
he likes men better????
2007-03-18 6:14 am
Thats Impossibe.
Read the Bible you know Nothing of.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16
2007-03-18 6:17 am
Maybe he wants you to put pants on first.
2007-03-18 6:14 am
shut up you skank
2007-03-18 6:16 am
Why would He accept someone who has not accepted Him?
2007-03-18 6:14 am
this isent even funny..your sick..
2007-03-18 6:15 am
you stopped reading that bible didn't you
參考: david
2007-03-18 6:15 am
I take it the S. in you name means Satan. Only person Jesus would reject.
2007-03-18 6:17 am
Nothing is wrong with Him. He just knows an idiot when He sees one.
2007-03-18 6:16 am
OK, you guys are not funny, it is not cute to play about the Lord, I also noticed you guys had another silly question about the Bible.

Find another topic to play around with, this is not funny!
2007-03-18 6:15 am
Well, now you know he is real and just how
totally screwed you are...
I don't have that problem , I am an atheist...
2007-03-18 6:18 am
The great thing is that Jesus won't reject anyone......yet. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So, thank you for the opportunity to spread God's word! God bless you, and keep sending these loaded questions our way.
2007-03-18 6:17 am
How is this lol-worthy?
2007-03-18 6:16 am
You are very fortunate that Christ does not reject anyone. Someday you will understand.
2007-03-18 6:19 am
Don't get upset because I don't know you. But why do I keep hearing the words "Sexual Orientation" in my spirit? Is that something that means anything to you? Only you know the answer for God only gives me what he wants me to have, nothing more, nothing less.
參考: MSN, Ph.D. (Ordained Minister)
2007-03-18 6:16 am
Christ rejects no one, try again.
2007-03-18 6:15 am
Maby your too pushy.
2007-03-18 6:14 am
Does this happen often?
2007-03-18 6:17 am
He's got abandonment issues. Further information would break doctor patient confidentiality laws. Sorry, wait for the book.
2007-03-18 6:15 am
I suppose that you are too good for him.
2007-03-18 6:15 am
doesn't like lesbians
2007-03-18 6:29 am
Wow, can't you just feel the christian love flowing from some of these answers.....Makes you just want to run out and join their church so you can be abused too, doesn't it?
2007-03-18 6:26 am
You are an evil little person.I pray God forgive you..<><
2007-03-18 6:25 am
That is not funny,one of these days you are going to be crying out for his help.
2007-03-18 6:25 am
Jesus will never reject you. Even if you fall to the lust of your flesh and have relations with the daughters of Eve.. Do you not see these people don't like your blasphemous jokes against God. They call you the "N" word and laugh at you. Who then are you trying to impress? Jesus will always be there to forgive you, but remember there is one sin that cannot be forgiven, and that is not allowing God to forgive you. The great blasphemy against the holy spirit. That is why it cannot be forgiven, because you don't allow God to forgive you
2007-03-18 6:17 am
Christ does not reject anyone.
2007-03-18 6:15 am
After you filled out the form did you remember to click on the save button?
2007-03-18 6:17 am
I do not believe you did. LOL!!!!!!!!
2007-03-18 6:17 am
He's gay.
2007-03-18 7:44 am
Not really funny sweetie...if you ever go to Him sincerely, I can promise you He will not reject you. :)
2007-03-18 6:42 am
Were you wearing the spiked heels again?
2007-03-18 6:23 am
His problem is that his beloved, perfectly created, incredibly blessed children keep devoting themselves to pursuits other than holiness and worship.

As for YOUR problem, you must be lacking either faith or seriousness.
2007-03-18 6:22 am
I'm not a christian but I may have the answer He hung out with lepors and prostitutes and the rightous the blind and diseased so there must be something realy realy realy wrong with you
2007-03-18 6:20 am
can you give more details? what do you mean he rejected you? how do you know, and how did you give yourself to him? but based on the little info. you told me, you probably tried to give yourself to him in a wrong way, so he rejected you, hoping that someone would tell you, or htat you would figure out that you shouldn't do what you're doing. maybe he knew you weren't accepting him fully, and that if you were in a situation in which you would die for him (recalling how he was NAILED on the WOODEN cross, and pratically WHIPPED to death and with a 6 INCH THORN CROWN on his HEAD), you wouldn't die for him. But other than that, i'm not sure. GIVE MORE DETAILS OTHER THAN A LAUGH OUT LOUD.
lollolololol (i wasn't mocking you, just laughing. lol. :D)
2007-03-18 6:18 am
if ylou did you have to feel that and confirm that by doing things make him happy.then you see the results,because christ never ever rejected any body even the people who put him on the cross ,so just remember that.
2007-03-18 6:16 am
lol your mom
2007-03-18 6:14 am
He's probably gay...all the most attractive men are (except one.)

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