初學鋼琴手指位的問題 ~請指教~

2007-03-18 7:28 am
我點先可以學識無數字提示也知手位 ﹖


回答 (2)

2007-03-21 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Basically you have to learn the basic finger positions. Later you will notice that you have to look at the notes not only one by one, but even phrase by phrase, chords by chords. It has to be accumulated day by day,month by month, year by year. Usually the highest notes in the phrase are played by the 5th finger of the right hand, the lowest notes are usually played by the 1st finger of the right hand. If you have some practice on piano you will soon notice that he hints on finger numbers are decreasing.The numbering on notes will appear only on the more important notes which will serve as hints only.
Don't worry so much about this sight reading basics. At this moment, you only have to follow the instructions of your piano teacher. Learning has to be accumulated stage by stage, step by step. Make some more practice on piano will make your foundations more solid. This will enhance your piano playing in future.
2007-03-27 7:54 am
你隻手有幾大呢? 呢個係決定你究竟應該用咩指位既. 未學行唔好先學走. 路要一步步行.
最好既方法係, 跟住個譜寫既. 做唔到唔好勉強. 問老師. 如果你老師都話冇計但係你又彈唔到既話你可以換老師了. 當然, 你亦可以自己嘗試, 成功與失敗都可以問下老師既意見, 然後再思考咁樣既方法/彈法好唔好繼續.
當你有經驗既時候, 你就會知道點樣一看音符或一睇譜就知雙手應放在那個琴鍵上了.

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