~~About Particles~~

2007-03-18 6:47 am
I want to ask,
According to modern physics (Quantum mechanics):
- Are all quarks identical?
- Are all electrons identical?
- Are all protons identical?
- Are all neutrons identical?
- Are all atoms with same number of proton, neutron and electron identical?

Here,“identical”means EXACTLY same mass, same properties, same size......

Thx a lot ^^

回答 (3)

2007-03-18 8:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
for quark.....
there exist six types and in three generations
(up, down, strange, charm, top, bottom)
but for the same type, they indeed are of the same

for others, they are of the same for sure
techically,they are indisdinguishable particles
2007-03-21 12:03 am
睇吓你要用咩standard 來答啦, 如果係大學research 的話, 呢一個係有待查証的問題, 重係一個非常有趣的命題. 但係如果只係alevel 或者係cert level, 咁我地 (考試局) 就會當所有野都係identical 啦.

所以好睇你想要咩答案, 不過我地好少去到咁專門, 因為太高深的學問都唔係間間大學的professor 都識的. 因為去到果一個層面會分得好細

2007-03-18 8:16 am
The answer is ALL NO

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