我想問關於joy cowley D嘢呀!

2007-03-18 2:45 am
我想要joy cowley D資料!Thank!

回答 (1)

2007-03-20 1:19 am
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Joy Cowley has two writing desks. With her husband Terry Coles, she now lives in Wellington, New Zealand, in an apartment near the railway station; but they still have a cottage in the Marlborough Sounds where they lived for many years.

The Wellington desk is by a window that looks out on pigeons and traffic, people hurrying to work, and tall buildings with the sun in their eyes. The desk in the Marlborough Sounds has a view of a bush-rimmed bay, green water licking a stony beach, wekas and seagulls and sometimes, a boat chugging to a mussel farm.

Joy sees herself as a wife, mother, grandmother and now, a great-grandmother. This is who she is; writing is what she does, and she has been writing for nearly fifty years. Her first published works were short stories and novels for adults.

In the late 1960s, when one of her sons had difficulty learning to read, Joy began writing for him and children with similar difficulties. By the late 1970s, Joy and editor June Melser were working on Wendy Pye's Story Box reading programme. Since Story Box, Joy has written more than 600 early reading titles.

Nowadays, Joy spends a lot of time travelling the world attending conferences and events where she meets teachers, children, parents and all kinds of story lovers. "The day I'm no longer with children is the day I stop writing for them, because the energy flow comes from them and goes back to them," she says.

Joy enjoys mentoring writers and is a patron of Storylines, an initiative of the Children's Literature Foundation of New Zealand Inc. (CLFNZ) to promote awareness of the importance of reading for all children, and support writers and illustrators of children's literature in New Zealand.

She also runs writing workshops for people whose culture is not adequately represented in their children's books, and has edited stories to make them accessible to new readers, as she believes that children need to see themselves and their own culture in their literature. She has run these workshops in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Brunei, South Africa, Iceland, and remote parts of the United States.

When she's not writing, Joy likes to spend time with her family - four children, thirteen grandchildren and great-grandson Mateo. Interests include cooking, spinning wool and knitting, painting, playing the piano, and taking grandchildren out on adventures. To relax, she enjoys days out fishing with husband Terry on their boat - Mrs Wishy-Washy.

For more on Joy, her work, and some writing advice, click on the links on this page.

2007-03-19 17:43:34 補充:
港澳信義會明道小學 5D(05)諾?

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