2007-03-18 2:13 am
我部DVD WRITER讀唔到空白嘅碟,但放入有內容嘅先碟就讀到,我每次放入空白嘅光碟,我的電腦內只顯示[光碟機(D:)],之後我Double Click這個[光碟機(D:)],就出現咗 [無法存取D:\\。功能錯誤] 這個訊息。我將DVD WRITER 安裝於另一部電腦內就沒有問題。由於我沒有安裝燒蝶軟件,在此情況下,我便無法燒蝶。請各位高人能幫幫我! Thank You!

回答 (1)

2007-03-18 2:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
how to install:
First must turn off your computer and switch off all power supply (power line to your computer transfomer). Then open your computer outter cover, some of the outter cover many need screw to open and some many be not. Depends on your computer type.

After open, if you have only one hard disk driver installed. And connect with PATA from your hard disk to your mainboard should plug into IDE1. Please use a PATA cable ( most important the pin1 of the cable should have a colour (red or colour other then your whole PATA cable are pin1) plug into your DVD writer, also some of the DVD writer have a pin1 may show in your menu if box pack if not so, only one side of PATA can )push the PATA cable into the DVD back side pin, then connect the power line (4pins) into your DVD power supply (only one plug you can push in). Then set master or slave on your DVD , for my advise if you have only one hard disk, PLEASE set slave and plug the other side of your DVD PATA cable into IDE2 channel.
Because this make your harddisk and DVD writer in diffence channel IDE1 and IDE2 and working. This make you computer much more smooth.

Finally, close the outter cover, then switch on the computer, if install successful you can see the bios show up a DVD detected from your computer. (NO driver need to installl to use your DVD writer) But you need some software to burn dvd disk other vcd disk like NERO please refer www.nero.com. Maybe some software already including within your dvd writer pack.
If install successfull and connect the power. Press On button, after counting your RAM, and you will see your harddisk connected and (AUTO) detect your DVD writer if not connection error during your install process.

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