
2007-03-18 1:20 am
a private purchase of $140 had been included in the business purchases
咁點做correction ?
debit 咩? credit咩?
關唔關suspense 事?

回答 (2)

2007-03-19 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案

double entries係:

Dr Drawing $140
Cr Purchase $140
To cancel the amount of drawing from the purchase/
Correct the wrong entries of purchase which should be treated as drawing.

唔關suspenses事,通常關suspenses事果d係俗稱“瘸腳”的double entries,例如:
有一個purchase transaction係$1,000,但係個accountant就入左Dr Purchase $1000 Cr Bank $100,甘就係“瘸腳”的double entries而衍生出$900的suspenses。
2007-03-18 8:13 am
如果是owner private purchase
Debit sole propriater or sharesholder current account (=business owner withdraw)
Credit business purchases

如果是是員工 private purchase
員工開check/deposit $$ to company
Dr Bank
Cr Business purchases

唔關suspense 事

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 13:08:48
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