Window XP Professional Verison 2002 轉做Window Vista(廿點!+oil!)

2007-03-18 12:09 am
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2, 而我部機係
Pentium 4 CPU 1.80 GHz 1.79 GHz, 992MB 的RAM.
(1)咁的質素,如果裝Window Vista 有冇問題,會唔會比XP 仲慢﹖(最重要)
(2)Window Vista 有咁多嗰版本,以我部機的質素,最好裝邊個﹖
(3)如果我己經裝咗Window Vista,又有咩新的功能可以用呢﹖
麻煩哂大家解答我以上的問題!Thx Forever

回答 (7)

2007-03-31 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)Your Install Vista is no Question.But,It will be very slow.You must change your CPU to Pentium D 820 or more more fast CPU.
(2)You can Install all version of Windows Vista.I suggest you must Install Windows Vista Home Pretium.
(3)You can use Aero 介面 and you can use Internet Explorer 7,Microsoft JVM,DVD Write,Windows SideBar......
Windows Vista 系統需求 最低配備[1]    建議配備[1]
中央處理器 :       800 MHz     1 GHz
記憶體:         512 MB RAM    1 GB RAM
顯示卡 :支援 DirectX 9 支援 DirectX 9 和 Hardware Pixel Shader v2.0 的 GPU、支援 WDDM。
顯示記憶體:          無    128 MB RAM,支援最高 2,756,000 總像素(例如:1920×1200)或 512 MB 以上支援更佳解像度(如:2560×1600)[2]
硬碟最大容量 :      20 GB       40 GB
硬碟空間:         15 GB       15 GB
硬碟種類          普通     普通,建議使用混合型硬碟(hybrid drive)
其他設備           無       DVD-ROM
(5)I don't know.Sorry.
2007-03-26 5:43 am
if you are using P4 1.8GHZ you should use windows vista home basic. if you use other version, it will be so slow and it will hang easily. I used windows vista before. I hate it and later i change it back to windows XP. If you want to test your pc go here:
Windows Vista's new functions sucks. If you are talking about the sercurity of windows vista, it is almost the same as windows xp sp2. if i'm you i wont waste money to buy windows vista. only one new function you will notice is on the desktop, the tool bar on the right hand side. If you want windows vista skin for windows xp, i download it before. you will be able to find it in
參考: website
2007-03-24 6:50 am
You should change your CPU to Core 2 Duo E4300 or E6300.These are cheaper than others.You change your RAM to 2GB.If you you your old CPU and RAM,it will slower than XP.

Home Premium:CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 or E6300.(E4300 about $1356)(E6300 about $1645)
RAM 2GB.(2GB about $1100)

Business:CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E4300,E6300 or E6400.(E6400 about $1740)

Ultimate:CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E4300,E6300,E6400 or E6600.(E6600 about $2100)

You should choose by yourself.

In Windows Vista,you can use Aero Glass(i.e.3D),Internet Explore 7(IE7) and Media Centre.

2007-03-25 21:39:23 補充:
Sorry,I want to say If you use your old CPU and RAM,it will slower than XP.Ultimate:CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E4300,E6300,E6400 or E6600.(E6600 about $2100),RAM 2GB.

2007-03-25 21:42:10 補充:
The man of upstairs,you are mistake.Vista have SP2 now.
2007-03-18 11:17 am
( 跟住潮流走果D最蠢,有咩BUG中毒一定你地中先嫁 VISTA用既CORE同XP唔同

2007-03-18 03:18:33 補充:

2007-03-18 23:28:27 補充:
最基本要…1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor (老老實實…佢真係用哂你果1GHz行WINDOWS VISTA…)1 GB of system memory (同上)40 GB hard drive with at least 15 GB of available spaceDirectX 9128 MB of graphics memory (minimum)Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware

2007-03-18 23:28:49 補充:
果隻野叫Vista Transformation Pack 6.0

2007-03-18 23:29:17 補充:呢度拎

2007-03-18 23:32:47 補充:
2007-03-18 2:45 am
用Microsoft New phonetic IME
2007-03-18 12:37 am
其實你可以去microsoft download一個叫vista upgrade advisor, 佢會分析你部機0岩唔0岩裝vista
2007-03-18 12:13 am
1. 那要看你裝咗幾多軟件落你部野到
3. 我用緊VISTA,只是多些桌面小工具,畫面靚咗

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