✔ 最佳答案
AH 11-101-00 (63)
Certificate in Business English
Enquiry 查詢: 2975 5880
Fax 傳真: 2858 3404
Email 電郵: jasmine.chiu@hkuspace.hku.hk
Course Start Date 開課日期: 02 Apr 2007
This certificate will help working professionals communicate accurately and effectively in English in various business contexts, by enabling them to:
present information and ideas accurately and effectively in English;
write effective letters, minutes and memos; and
speak English fluently and confidently.
The programme has 2 courses, which can be taken in any order:
Modern Business Writing Skills, 45 hours
Modern Business Oral Skills, 45 hours
Students who successfully complete the programme can take the Business Language Testing Service (BULATS) Test.The SPACE is a BULATS agent and will arrange for students to take BULATS at HKU SPACE centres.
Modern Business Writing Skills
Effective written communication: Style, tone, image and impact
Internal company communication: Memos and minutes
External company communication: Job applications, enquiries, complaints and replies
Course No.
Day(s) / Times
AH 11-101-01-51 (63)
Mondays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, starting 2 Apr 07
Rm 906, Kowloon East Campus, 28 Wang Hoi Rd., Kowloon Bay.
AH 11-101-01-52 (63)
Fridays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, starting 13 Apr 07
Rm 203, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Rd., Wanchai, HK
AH 11-101-01-53 (63)
Saturdays, 2:30 – 5:30 pm, starting 14 Apr 07
Rm 1703, Island East Campus, 494 King's Rd., North Point, HK
15 meetings (45 hours)
Fee: $3,300
Modern Business Oral Skills
Effective telephone skills
Language of presentations
Asking and handling questions
Language of meetings
Course No.
Day(s) / Times
AH 11-101-21-51 (63)
Wednesays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, starting 11 Apr 07
Rm 215, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Rd., Wanchai, HK
AH 11-101-21-52 (63)
Thursays, 6:30 – 9:30 pm, starting 12 Apr 07
Rm 215, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Rd., Wanchai, HK
AH 11-101-21-53 (63) (Cancelled)
15 meetings (45 hours)
Fee: $3,300
:::: Continuing Education Fund (CEF) ::::
This programme has been included in the list of CEF reimbursable programmes. Application for CEF has to be made before commencement of the programme. Details can be found at
CEF Code
Entry requirements
Applicants must:
have either, Grade D in HKCEE English Language (Syllabus B); or the HKU SPACE Certificate in General English; or HKU SPACE Foundation Certificate in Business English Usage or an equivalent qualification;
pass a written entry test.