
2007-03-17 10:25 pm
各位綱友:我最近新買壹部ASUS RX3041綱遊器,現時有两部電腦XP及ME都能同時上綱(寬頻)。但有一個難題,我最想的是两部電腦能互通資料及共用列印機、掃瞄器,不知如何解决?請帮助!

回答 (1)

2007-03-18 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Ensure both computer using the same "WorkGroup" name;
2) Sharing the folder out, so that the computer could access each other;
3) As this router without USB / Parallel ports, so, you must connect your scanner and printer to one of the computer and then share the scanner and printer out.
4) The computer which it connected the printer / scanner could not be switch off, otherwise, another computer could not use the devices.

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