
2007-03-17 8:17 pm
庸人自擾 庸人自擾

作詞:李姚 作曲:方維珍

愛不愛都受煎熬 同林鳥飛遠了 誰不想暮暮朝朝
真心換來傷心 愛恨一肩挑 牙關緊咬

人生如粗飯劣餚 心中罵嘴裡嚼 誰不想快活到老
茫茫人海渺渺 真心那裡找 歲月又不停饒

一生得幾回年少 又何苦庸人自擾 斬不斷情絲難了
愛人不見了 清醒還要趁早 亂麻要快刀

一生得幾回年少 倦鳥終歸要回巢 紅塵路走過幾遭
花開又花落 事事難預料 笑一笑往事隨風飄

回答 (1)

2007-03-17 8:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Much ado about nothing

Write words:Lee Yao composes:Square Wei Jane

Love and don't love all be endured long hardship to fly with wood's bird far who don't think a dynasty of the Mu Mu a dynasty
Change to come sincerely sad the love hates a carry on the shoulder maxillary joint to bite tightly

Who life,such as thick rice, scold to chew in mouth in the inferior Yao heart to do not think air of cheerfulness to go to old
The boundless huge is sincerely very small and distant to find years and don't stop Rao there

Whole life get several return young and then why on earth much ado about nothing cut continuously longing of love is difficult
The lover is early as possible missing to wide awoke to still want snarled hemp to want quick knife

Whole life get several return to young and tired bird to want at roost world of mortals road to walk through in the end several encounter
The flower opens a flower and falls everything difficult anticipate to give a smile things of the past to float with the breeze

希 望 幫 到 你 啦 !

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