
2007-03-17 6:28 pm
How to caculate the volume of solid?

1)what is the volume of 10g carbon dioxide?

2)does 10g gaseous CO2 have the
same volumes to 10g solid CO2?

回答 (3)

2007-03-18 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) use density to calculate.
density = mass/volume

I assume the condition is at STP.
density of CO2 gas at STP = 1.98kg/m3
mass of CO2 = 10g = 0.01kg

1.98 = 0.01 / volume of C02
volume of CO2 = 0.01 / 1.98
= 0.00505 m3

2) No
density of CO2 gas at STP = 1.98kg/m3
density of CO2 solid = 1600kg/m3

use the same formula to calculte:
volume of CO2 solid = 0.01 / 1600
= 0.00000625 m3
2007-03-19 8:04 am
Assume at STP:
First, calculate no. of moles (n) = 10g/(44g/mol)
Then by PV = nRT, V = nRT / P.
2007-03-17 6:39 pm
1: 10G= =
2: YES

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