up to now & up to this moment 的分別

2007-03-17 5:34 pm
up to now 與 up to this moment 意思有何分別, 有其他英文可代替嗎?
thank you!


回答 (2)

2007-03-17 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
up to now 是直到現在
up to this moment是直到此刻
up to the present , up to the minute, thus far,so far等等

2007-03-22 09:43:23 補充:
其實up to this moment和up to now都是常用的,在商業上兩者都可以
2007-03-17 5:42 pm
up to now mean 直到現在
up to this moment means 直到E + E 1刻

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