Form 3 math~help plz

2007-03-17 3:36 pm
1.Which of the following polar equations have a graph of a line with a slope of 1?
A. r=1 B. "feta" =pi C. r=sin("feta") D. rcos(feta)=1 E. feta=pi/4

2.The odds of an event being successful is C/W. The probability of the event being unsuccessful is:
A. W/(C+W) B. (W-C)/C C.1-(C/W) D. W/C E. (C-W)/(C+W)

回答 (1)

2007-03-17 4:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Which of the following polar equations have a graph of a line with a slope of 1?
A. r=1 B. "feta&q uot; =pi C. r=sin("feta ") D. rcos(feta)=1 E. feta=pi/4

θ=π/4 means that the graph is a straight line with slope
2.The odds of an event being successful is C/W. The probability of the event being unsuccessful is:
A. W/(C+W) B. (W-C)/C C.1-(C/W) D. W/C E. (C-W)/(C+W)
According to the definition
If the odds of an event are stated as A to B (or A-B or A/B), then the probability of the event is
Probability(event) = B/(B + A)the probability of the event being successful isW/(C+W)So the probability of the event being unsuccessful is:
So all answers are wrong.
May be your question has something wrong

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