Hi, I'm doing a small survey here, normally for how long you would be able to find another job after leaving..

2007-03-16 8:50 am
the former one?

回答 (5)

2007-03-16 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
the next day
2007-03-16 11:20 pm
I never leave a job unless I have one waiting for me. I would try and find a position that allows me to set a start date a month later to give a current employer the heads up.
2007-03-16 3:59 pm
So far its been 3 weeks actively seeking work from job advertisements online and in local newspapers. So far Ive had 1 interview and I have 2 more next week, yet most of the advertisements close two weeks after they're placed in the paper, sometimes longer... In my opinion its too long of a process. I say first in best dressed!
2007-03-16 3:55 pm
2 months for white collar people here in Southern China.
1 month for blue collar
I don't know much about other parts of the country.
2007-03-16 3:54 pm
usually a month...
I dnt tender untill I found another job..it makes me financial secure. but if u can't wait to leave, then it is a different story.
good luck.

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