請給我翻譯(B) Thanks!

2007-03-17 7:38 am
1. I thrive on the challenge of tackling something new and different.
2. I pay meticulous attention to detail before coming to a conclusion.
3. I find it difficult to produce ideas on impulse.
4. I am careful not to jump to conclusions too quickly.
5. I prefer to have as many sources of information as possible – the more data to think over the better.
6. Flippant people who don’t take things seriously enough usually irritate me.

回答 (3)

2007-03-17 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I thrive on the challenge of tackling something new and different.
2. I pay meticulous attention to detail before coming to a conclusion.
3. I find it difficult to produce ideas on impulse.
我覺得很難在衝動之間,產生主張 / 構思。
4. I am careful not to jump to conclusions too quickly.
5. I prefer to have as many sources of information as possible – the more data to think over the better.
6. Flippant people who don’t take things seriously enough usually irritate me.
2007-03-17 6:00 pm
1. 我在應付興旺不同事的挑戰上新和。
2. 我給予縝密關注對細節在得出結論之前。
3. 我發現它難導致想法在衝動。
4. 我小心太迅速不跳對結論。
5. 我喜歡有許多資訊源儘可能- 更多資料認為在更好。
6. 不採取事足夠嚴重的隨便的人民通常激怒我。
2007-03-17 8:10 am
1. 我在處理新的東西的挑戰上繁榮而且不同的。
2. 我對在得到一個結論之前細說給予一絲不苟的注意。
3. 我發現在脈衝上生產想法是困難的。 {我發現生產在脈衝上的想法是困難的。}
4. 我很小心不要再太快很快就下結論。
5. 我偏愛有當訊息的許多來源當做可能的-更多的資料在比較好之上想。
6. 通常不嚴重地足夠帶事物的輕率的人激怒我。

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