
2007-03-17 5:50 am

回答 (6)

2007-03-17 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案

A: Hello, may(can) I talk/speak to John please?
or Hello, is John there please?
or Hello, I'm looking for John.

B: Hello, this is John.
or Hello, speaking.
or Hello, sorry John is not around
or Hello, John is on another line (John在答另一個電話)
or Hello, we have two John here, which one are you looking for?
or Hello, I don't know anyone names John here, I'm afraid you may have dialed the wrong number.

Hope the above examples are sufficient.
2007-03-22 6:53 am
I agreed.
2007-03-17 9:53 am
Can I speak to XXX, please?
2007-03-17 5:56 am
你講:May I speak to xxx(人名) please???

(如果佢唔係,就會話:Hold on please)

咁你就要講:hello~xxx(人名).This is xxx(自己個名).
參考: 英文課堂~!
2007-03-17 5:52 am
may i speak to XXX,please?
2007-03-17 5:52 am
I call the people !!!
people mean He and She and They 都得

2007-03-16 21:52:56 補充:
I call the people to do somethings 都得

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