runescape -咩係private server???

2007-03-17 4:54 am
點先為之private server???
請詳答,小妹對private server 一知半解,好想知清楚所有細節~~

用private server時和普通玩runescape有分別嗎? 如有,有甚麼分別呢?請詳列並加例子。 其實private server 是否有如auto 般能盡快升lvl呢? 咁自己又有得控制嗎???

回答 (2)

2007-03-18 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Private server means a server that only you log in and play. You can set the the lvl what ever you want by yourself.But the level will not affect the Offical Runescape's Account.
When you play prvate server, you can set all the level are 99,and have done alll the quest.

by the way , what is your account name,i add you , my combat lvl is 95.
2007-03-17 6:26 am
Private Server簡單o的來講,o者係私人server。RuneScape o既server係由Jagex公司提供,總共有140個(138個英文同2個德文)。

Private server,上述,同RuneScape係完全兩樣o野,o者係侵犯版權,有機會被控告。

其他細節要睇番個Private server先知

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