
2007-03-17 3:38 am
I want to make one friend in my classmate. I am a girl and a girl. i want to make friend with her because she is very kind and cheerful. But how can i talk to her or she like me in friends also? I want to make friend with her.....

回答 (2)

2007-03-17 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
First,you can talk to her started with 'HI'.And then,You can make many topic and if she answer you. You can asked her 'Can I do you friends?'
But I think I made a friend with the other. I did not do many things. If he/she wants sometings, I will give him/her. But I will talk with him/her very happy!
2007-03-17 6:46 am
其實,我覺得一開始做d令佢對你有好感or印象的事,不過我唔係叫你做d kai野,係d kind and cheerful的事。因為你覺得佢係依類。
參考: me^^

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