有咩program 裝左係知道之前 or 開機之後用keyboard 打過既字架???

2007-03-17 3:07 am
之前聽朋友講話有個program 係用黎偷人地既password, 會知道個個人打過d 咩字


回答 (1)

2007-03-17 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is generally call "Key Logger" software, and it can pick up key stroke after Operating System started. But these program will generally be detected by Anti-Virus software or Spyware detection software fairly easily.

To log key stroke before Operatign System start, you must use a key logger device which hook up at the keyboard connection to record key stroke. You must manually retrieve the device and dump them memory for key stroke.

Search Google for "Key Logger" and you'll find plenty of information.
參考: Myself

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