
2007-03-17 2:52 am
請問interviewer用英文問你How do you see your career developing?如果我想答我可以係未來學多d唔同層面既野,希望公司俾多d機會我發展,英文點講?同埋最後問我要求待遇同有咩發問既時候,如果我想答人工可以around 9k(廣告寫左人工8k),因我之前份工都有9k,可以點講,如果佢唔加我可唔可以問過左probation會否人工有升幅?最後發問既時候,我想問公司既工作係咩性質(因為係internet search唔到間公司,所以無資料係手)


回答 (1)

2007-03-17 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to have opportunities to take challenges in different areas and levels in the future ...
同埋最後問我要求待遇同有咩發問既時候,如果我想答人工可以around 9k(廣告寫左人工8k),因我之前份工都有9k,可以點講,
For compensation, I would like to have at least 9K if possible, because my current salary is 9k, thanks for understanding.
I would also like to know if there will be an evaluation or merit increase after probation ?
最後發問既時候,我想問公司既工作係咩性質(因為係internet search唔到間公司,所以無資料係手)
May you please let know more about the company, since I had a hard time finding information about the company from the internet. Thanks !
參考: years of recruiting in the west

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