
2007-03-17 12:50 am
如果我搭緊地鐵的時侯, 見到有個鬼妹幾靚, 好charming, 而我又好搭糖, 有種好想了解對方的意欲 (對方比我年紀大, 我估三十出頭, 而我我係廿幾) , 我可以點樣搭訕, (有禮貌地請她飲杯野行得通嗎)
我第一眼見到她已望到眼定定, 而她也不時帶點自然的微笑回望我, 咁喏有位她坐下的時候知道我凝視著她, 她好像不好意思地望向我的下身, 鞋, 又不時跟我一點點eye contact (我臉也紅了些) 全程都留意著她好幾個地鐵站, 自己到站都唔願走, 直至她出左車廂, 就是唔知有何方法接近她
後來我在最近差不多的時間又遇見她一次, 可惜這次人多沒有為意我, 又不知她認唔認得我, 我真的很想卻沒膽..
我再見到她的時候, 怎樣做?

回答 (3)

2007-03-17 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
搭訕很簡單, 鼓起勇氣, 行埋去...

當然, 你係有意思發展落去的話, 唔可以比人感覺輕佻.
問路係最好o既辦法. (你梗係要問d簡單d, 佢實識答o既, "去邊度應該o向邊個站落車呢?")

如果係鬼妹, 可能開放d, 第一次聊天就比電話號碼你都唔定. 總之你就一定要比自己個number人地, 希望日後可以有聯絡.

咁人地答完你, 你就要挑起其他話題, 如果佢肯傾, 傾到落車就最好. 表現要大方.

2007-03-17 1:07 am
When you see her again, dont be nervous. Just approach her and say "hi how are you?"
See how she responds to you. Usually if they dont like u or dont wanna talk to u they'll avoid having eye contacts with you. Just relax and talk to her. Dont tell her that you have special feeling to her at the beginning cos you'll scare her haha!! If you and her get closer and closer you can give her your number and e-mail. Try not to ask her if she wants to meet you somtimes. Some girls dont really like that. If she likes u she'll contact you. Just give her some space. Hey one thing that u need to know is DO NOT talk about yourself too much, ask her more questions about herself and she'll feel that you're willing to get to know her. Keep talking about yourself is boring. Good luck, hope she's gonna be your woman.
2007-03-17 12:55 am
May I have your number? (扮黎明囉)

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