✔ 最佳答案
VTTrayp.exe :
VTTRAYP.EXE has been determined by the Prevx database as Bad. Therefore this file is unsafe to run and should be removed using Prevx1.
We Recommend you do not delete the files listed above manually. As Malware can use the same name as a genuine file, you could inadvertantly delete a file which is genuine. Prevx1 can analyze the actual malware file on your computer so it can identify and clean up malware and protect your computer from future malware infections.
It's very easy to remove these infections just click the button below to download and run Prevx1
下載呢個工具殺左VTTrayp.exe :
VTTimer.exe :
Determination: Bad
VTTIMER.EXE has been determined by the Prevx database as Bad. Therefore this file is unsafe to run and should be removed using Prevx1.
We Recommend you do not delete the files listed above manually. As Malware can use the same name as a genuine file, you could inadvertantly delete a file which is genuine. Prevx1 can analyze the actual malware file on your computer so it can identify and clean up malware and protect your computer from future malware infections.
It's very easy to remove these infections just click the button below to download and run Prevx1