yoga 同 "拉筋" 有咩分別? 想拉鬆d筋, 玩 yoga 好唔好?

2007-03-17 12:16 am
yoga 同 "拉筋" 有咩分別? 想拉鬆d筋, 玩 yoga 好唔好?

回答 (2)

2007-03-21 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yoga is an attitude for living and mind, you receive the message from the posture, meditation and mantra to strengthen / healing your body and mind.
not only for 拉筋. Recently I found people treat Yoga as Sport and not respect the faith of Yoga. people not behave in the Ashram (studio) and this trust the aim of Yoga. (to purify yr body and soul)
If u only want to "拉筋", you can pick other activity in Gym, unless you ensure yourself a good behaved person. Otherwise, pls don't insult Yoga. Please !
參考: Yoga student
2007-03-17 12:20 am

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