Australia Travel

2007-03-16 11:03 pm
I want to know if I plan to travel around australia either by long distance bus or train, how about my accomodation? Is it safe to book it on arrival or should I book it beforehand? But if I book it beforehand it will not be flexible. And I want to know more about travelling in Australia by bus eg greyhound. Thanks! =)

回答 (3)

2007-03-17 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can go to one place first, and do the booking by phone or internet before you travel to any place.
Is it safe to book it on arrival or should I book it beforehand? Normally yes, but if it is peak seasons or during school break it may be difficult.
Do a search on 'travel australia' or similar words at
2007-03-22 12:00 am
transportation: plane (u can hv in more info from virgin blue, cuz tickets can be as cheap as au$95, and the service is alrite)
accomodation can be booked when u arrived...
do u know how to drive? if so, u can hire a car..
transportation by bus and train ... will be expensive in oz)
2007-03-17 1:35 am
I suggest you travel by air. Reasons are below:

train service in Australia is very expensive, around double than air ticket
bus jounery are too long, e.g. Sydney to Cold Coast will cost you 12 hours, but the cost will be same as air ticket
There is 3 budget airline in Australia, their competition is fierce, so the cost is low and they operate many flights. You can find the suitable flights easily.
If you really want to travel by bus, you can visit You can have some idea on it

2007-03-25 23:17:45 補充:
開頭又話 bus, 之後就 train?? 即係點.. 火車仲貴呀.

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