油性SKIN MAKE UP 問 (base/粉底/密粉)

2007-03-16 10:41 pm

我想問邊隻牌子ge 防晒控油base + 控油粉底 + 密粉 最貼最好用??? (如果記得比埋個價錢我丫)

同埋..係咪一定要用base & 密粉 ??

如果只用其中一種,咁用base 好d定 密粉 ??

另外..買唔同牌子ge粉底..要買埋個粉盒......咁咪好貴lor-0-...if 下次又轉牌子..咪又要買過??

回答 (3)

2007-03-16 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i am oil skin too, and alrady tried a lot of brand, i think ipsa's 0-D protector day shelter base (around $280), shu uemura's water perfect foundation (around $300) - no need to buy any box, because is a bottom of glass, and ipsa's powder (around $300), is perfect match

yes, base is quite important for the make up can't directly touch your skin, and reduce the ance grwoth, and after you used foundation, powder can make the make up more flexible and keep dry and less the oil .
2007-03-18 10:32 pm
你油性皮膚就最好用ettusais flat design liquid (HK$245/30ml) ,今期MORE 比較粉底佢係

透薄遮瑕. 同埋ettusais 係for 一d 油性,容易出暗瘡 d 人用, 你可以試下, 好多油性皮膚朋

參考: Me
2007-03-16 11:07 pm
5g a.......................係要買過ga la...............
參考: me

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