中學介紹??St Paul's??(10 points)

2007-03-16 8:30 pm
St Paul's convent‧St Paul's co-edu邊間好,邊間冇咁貴族??
聽講convent 英文好勁,is it true???
他們喜歡收D咩 student??

回答 (5)

2007-03-22 3:27 am
I'm a student from St. Paul's Co-Ed College.

I must admit that our school has a higher school fee. But our students are from different part of society, of course, we have very rich school mates in our school, a lot of us uses private cars too. However, our 校風 is very 純樸. we are told to be a 樸素 as possible.

I was once a student in Victoria Primary School (CB), which is very close to St. paul's convent. I had a very bad experience with the students in St. Paul's Convent. I was bullied by students in St. Paul's Convent.

Comparing the English ability, our school, St. Paul's Co-Ed, has a language policy that we must speak English or Putonghua at any time. All teachers in our school can speak proper English. We have also a 拔尖補底 system. Which all students in one form are seperated into 8 sets. And we are distributed to different sets according to our English ability. (we are put into sets for English, Math and Chinese)

English ability of students do not have a big gap like St. Joseph's College.
2007-03-21 5:16 am

好多人話 PAUL CON D 學生串, 沒禮貌. 但其實這都只是個別例子, 相信每間學校都會有這些學生. PAUL CON 學生絕大部分都是有禮貌, 大方得體的.

CO-ED 是男女學校, 成績同 PAUL CON 一樣優異, 通達部部份人相反,

我覺得 CO-ED 反而更"貴族". 他們學費一個月四千多, 是 PAUL CON 的兩倍. 識得各CO-ED 的朋友, 很曬命, 扮高貴. 當然, 這可能是一個個別例子, 不能代表CO-ED 學生.

至於 PAUL CON 英文勁, 其實 CO-ED 英文都不算差, 但 PAUL CON 英文成績平均是好一點.

另外, 我覺得 PAUL CON 開心 D, 放鬆 D. CO-ED 比我的感覺是拘緊 D..
參考: 自己
2007-03-17 3:10 am
st paul's co-ed 冇咁貴族 co -ed is better!!!!
參考: me
2007-03-16 10:48 pm
St Paul's convent 女校 好多學生有私家車
女仔通常會好多是非. 咩都認叻. 認自己有錢

但係 St Paul's co-edu 就有男子. 唔會咁是非
貴族的. 因為大多是附屬小學升上來
小學要成 40000 幾一年
2007-03-16 8:33 pm
St Paul's co-edu is better

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