
2007-03-16 5:53 pm
Who is in your family?
What do you do with your family in holiday?

回答 (5)

2007-03-16 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一句: 你家中有甚麼人?
第二句: 在假期你會和家人做甚麼?

第一句答:I have my father and mother in my family.
第二句答:I ask my father and mother take me go out to play at holiday.
2007-03-16 6:02 pm
回答e.g.:My father and my mother are in my family.
回答e.g.:I go to zoo with my family in holiday.

參考: 自己
2007-03-16 5:59 pm
你的家庭成員有誰人? Father, mother & one younger sister

你和家人在假日會做什麼? we go to restaurant in Sunday morning,
go to library / go to cinema / go to park
2007-03-16 5:58 pm
第一句 - who is in your family
問你屋企有d咩家庭成員,答sister(姊妹),brother(兄弟),father and mother (父母), grantparents (祖父母),aunts(姨姨),uncle(叔叔),cousins(堂表兄弟姊妹)

第二句 - what do you do with your familly in holiday?
問你平時假日會同屋企日做d咩,可以答cycling(踩單車),playing badminton(打羽毛球),barbeque(bbq)等等
參考: 自己
2007-03-16 5:55 pm
第一句係: 你家中有甚麼人?
第二句係: 在假期你會和家人做甚麼?

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