PSP - other function beside games?

2007-03-16 5:22 pm
I wish to know that the PSP - black version & Pink version
1) what difference between them? (beside colour)
2) Is it Black version can store more game?
3) How large memory stick can i use for both version?
4) 1games may use how large mamery to install it? o may i ask if only 32MB can i hav how many games inside?
5) & etc

回答 (1)

2007-03-16 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 除左顏色真係無分別
(2) 唔關事, 睇你用幾大memory stick
(3) 有1g, 2g card, 同埋4g hardisk用係psp上
(4) 好睇你隻咩game, 有d 細game仔, 1g卡都入到3-4個(e.g. virual tennis果類) 大game(例如太鼓/monster hunter), 成張card 用曬咁上下。 32mb好細o架咋,store mp3都唔夠10首,更何況game呢

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