about easy-jet

2007-03-16 4:37 pm
I want to book a flight ticket by easyjet.com on internet. I hope to know how I can get a real ticket? Thank you

回答 (1)

2007-03-16 4:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is nothing called a 'real ticket' as what you should be refering to, I am afraid.
But booking a flight ticket of Easy Jet or many more budget airlines, you can only print out the ticket from Internet. As long as you provide the correct information of your name, number of travel document, etc., you can check-in with your travel document, so a 'real ticket', as I understand to be the conventional airtickets, are not available at all, and not really needed in that case.

However, without the kind of conventional ticket, it is impossible to make any change to the booked flight. No transfer of ticket to anybody, no change of date or flight (but the AIRLINE could cancel any flight and make you wait at the airport for the next one WHENEVER), and if you can't catch the flight, that's that.
So, although the tickets are much cheaper if you buy it earlier, PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR SCHEDULE before you book it, or you will simply waste the money spent on that ticket.

Just, now I hope that you understand why you will not be issued a 'real ticket' as you called it, including the fact that the administration fee and cost of that 'real ticket' is really high, compared to your 'computer print-out'. Howevr, really don't need to worry, becase nowadays, what you need is just your passport to get on board of a flight, as far as your personal particulars have been provided to the airine correctly in advance.

You can also try Ryanair (another budget airline based in the UK, but this one is supposed to be worse) if you are going to travel to or from the UK within Europe. Hope this answer can help you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:29:54
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