
2007-03-16 3:00 pm
Can you give me....

- a short history of Sikhs living in the UK
- information about Sikhs in the UK now
- an example of a British Sikh


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2007-03-19 9:48 am
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According to BBC website:

The Sikh religion is the world's youngest. It was founded by Master Guru Gobind Singh on 14 April 1699 at Anandpur in the Punjab region of India. Most of Britain's 500,000 Sikhs have their origins in immigration either from the Punjab in Northwest India in the 1950s and 60s, or from East Africa slightly later. The first recorded Sikh settler in Britain was Maharajah Duleep Singh.

The first Sikh migration came in the 1950s. It was mostly of men from the Punjab seeking work in British industry, which had a shortage of unskilled labour. Most of the new arrivals worked in industries like foundries and textiles.
These new arrivals mostly settled in London, Birmingham and West Yorkshire.
The first batch of Sikh migrants usually removed the outward religious symbols (turban, hair and beard) as racist prejudice in Britain would have kept them out of work.

Sikhs in UK now:
There are now about 20 million Sikhs worldwide, with most living in the Sikh homeland of the Punjab. Britain is now home to the largest community of Sikhs outside India with about 750,000 devotees.
In Birmingham 60,000 British Sikhs are expected to take part in processions and events over the weekend. And many thousands have decided to make the pilgrimage to Anandpur to mark the anniversary.
In the 1950s and 1960s Sikhs fought for their right to wear the turban, the symbol of their identity. They are now exempt from wearing helmets on motorcycles and other headgear in professions like the police force, bus service and the fire brigade.

Example of British Sikh:
Monty Panesar, English cricketer and first Sikh to play Test cricket for a country other than India.
參考: Teacher in UK

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