How to understand ?

2007-03-16 12:17 pm
The man attacked him where he lay on the ground .
呢句點樣理解 ?
^ 個男人襲擊佢訓係地上既地方 ^
好似好怪 , 點解唔寫成
The man attacked him who was laying on the ground .
點解用where ?

回答 (3)

2007-03-16 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實The man attacked him where he lay on the ground和The man attacked him who was laying on the ground的意思是不同的
The man attacked him where he lay on the ground很明顯where這個關係代名詞是形容地方,意思是:那男人在那地方襲擊了他(而他正躺臥在那地方的地上,重點指出他所躺的地方,就是受襲的地方)
而The man attacked him who was laying on the ground想不用說你也知其義,就是:那男人襲擊了他,他正臥在地上。
2007-03-16 2:36 pm
1. The man attacked him where he lay on the ground

~ This is describing 個男人襲擊佢既地方 is o向佢訓gei位置

2.The man attacked him who was laying on the ground .

~ This is describing 襲擊佢個男人 is 訓o向地上

Two different meanings

Sorry I can't really type chinese...hope you can understand what I am trying to say here.
2007-03-16 12:28 pm
how about this?
He lay on the ground where the man attacked him.

can I ask: is there any structure inverse in grammar?

2007-03-17 02:34:17 補充:
where指place是可以理解, 但個sentence structure inverts, 查倒裝句都冇咁既例子

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