
2007-03-16 10:14 am
When I was having breakfast this morning,l smelled smoke.lt came from the flat next deer.lt came from the flat next door.There was smoke coming from the kitchen.l saw flames too.
My neighbour was shouting for help near the window.Myneighbour is an old woman.She's in a wheelchair.l told her to open the door so that l could take her to a safe place.

When l was waitingfor her to open the door,l called the police on my mobile phone.Then my neighbour came out in her wheelchair.She was very frightened. At first,l wanted to push her in her wheelchair but we couldn't use the lift.So,l carried her on my back.


When l was running down the stairs,the firemen came.A strong fireman thencarried the woman for me.We ran out of the building together.Luckily,we were not hurt


問題! 1.what was Alan doing when the fire started? 2.When did Alan calk the police? 3.Can the old woman walk?Which sentence in the newspaper tells you that? 4.Which news report tells you more about the fire?Can you give an example? 5.Do you like watching TV news or reading newspapers?Wey?

回答 (3)

2007-03-16 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
當我今晨吃早餐時, 我嗅到了煙,它來自平的隔壁。有煙 從廚房來。我也看見了火焰。我的鄰居在窗口附近呼喊幫助。我的鄰居是一名老婦女。她坐輪椅的。我勸告她打開門以便我能把她帶到一個安全的地方。

當我等她打開門, 我用流動電話通知警察。然後我的鄰居坐她的輪椅出來了。她非常害怕。起初, 我想幫推她輪椅,但我們不能使用電梯。如此, 我背她下去。

當我跑下樓梯時, 消防員來了。一位強健的消防員然後為我背了那婦女。我們一起跑出大廈。幸運地, 我們未受傷

1) Alan was having his breakfast.
2) Alan phoned the police when he was waiting for his neighbour to open the door.
3) Alan pushed her in the wheelchair, meaning she could not walk.
4) your own view
5) your own view
參考: Teacher in UK
2007-03-16 10:50 am
今早正在吃早餐時, 突然嗅到煙火的味道從隔鄰滲入, 煙係由廚房攻入並且見到火頭.

同時, 聽到隔鄰坐輪椅的老婦人在窗旁呼救, 我叫她去把大門打開以便我可以把她帶往安全的地方.

我在等待她開門時用手電報警, 此時她亦開了門, 坐在輪椅上的她顯得驚魂未定. 我即時推著輪椅欲搭升降機下樓, 但升降機能使用, 唯有揹著她徒步走樓梯離開火場.

在下樓途中遇到正趕往火場的消防員, 其中一位非常健碩的馬上接過老婦與我一起離開大廈, 幸運地我們都沒受傷.
2007-03-16 10:38 am

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