
2007-03-16 7:45 am
請講出 韓信的死因 (5 分) 和他的經過 (5分)

回答 (2)

2007-03-16 8:00 am

Demotion and death
After Liu became Emperor, he began to become suspicious of the powerful princes -- all of whom were considered a threat to the Han empire -- and found excuses to have them removed, Han Xin not exempted. In winter 202 BC, under the guise of an imperial gathering at Chenqiu (陳丘, in modern Zhoukou, Henan), Han was summoned to a meeting and captured, stripped of his principality, and demoted to Marquess of Huaiyin with no military authority.

In 198 BC or 197 BC, Liu commissioned Chen Xi (陳豨), the Marquess of Yangxia, a friend of Han, to be the commander of the northern border forces to defend the empire against Xiongnu. Once Chen reached the borders, however, he rebelled. Liu left the capital to lead an expedition force against Chen. While he was away from the capital Chang'an in 196 BC, Empress Lü heard rumors that Han was involved in Chen's conspiracy and was ready to raise a rebellion against her. Lü acted preemptively and had Han executed, along with close relatives of his father, his mother, and his wife.
2007-03-16 7:49 am






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