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他們都是殺死的意思.Kill 是最常用的,適用於任何種類的殺戮.
a drought that killed our fruit trees
a pesticide to kill chrips
two people killed in a car accident
the rising number of people killed by heart disease
a veto that killed the bill
their decision to kill the news article
Slay 的用法跟 murder (謀殺)及 slaughter (屠宰,屠殺)相似,是有意去殺死人或動物,有時這字會有殘暴或大量殺戮的含意.現在 slay 這字聽起來是有點過時,在引用聖經典故時則比較常用.但是這個字因為簡短,也常用於新聞標題中,例如 Underworld leader slain .實際上,現在這個過去分詞 (slain) 比這個動詞的其他形式更為常用.