I wanted to introduce a web page for everyone today, this web page had already helped to promote our English ability.
That web page is a
have a lot of practices here {That web page is a
here have a lot of practices}
There are Grammar Exercises,Vocabulary Exercises,Exercises for Exams,Complex Tests,Listening Comprehension Tasks and Reading Comprehension Tasks on the site.
Take the grammar exercises as an example, there are a lot of different practices here, these practices contain different depth degree, if just started, can choose some simple practices to do. {Take the grammar exercises as an example, there are a lot of different practices here, these practices contain different depth degree, if just started, can choose some simple practices and do. / Take the grammar exercises as an example, here have a lot of different practices, these practices contain different depth degree, if just started, can choose some simple practices to do. / Take the grammar exercises as an example, here have a lot of different practices, these practices contain different depth degree, if just started, can choose some simple practices and do.} Be canning find out a few successful feeling here. {Can find out a few successful feeling at here.} After again gradually enter the ground does some more difficult practices, this has already helped to promote English ability. {After again gradually enter the ground does some more difficult practices, this has already helped and promoted English ability. / After then gradually enter the ground does some more difficult practices, this has already helped to promote English ability. / After then gradually enter the ground does some more difficult practices, this has already helped and promoted English ability.} And each practice all can check the answer that you input automatically, being an answer to hour will appear happy male Zi, give encouragement, still have a score to provide a reference besides. {And each practice all can check the answer that you input automatically, being an answer to hour can appear happy male Zi, give encouragement, still have a score and provide a reference besides. / And each practice all can check the answer that you input automatically, when answer to hour will appear happy male Zi, give encouragement, still have a score to provide a reference besides. / And each practice all can check the answer that you input automatically, when answer to hour can appear happy male Zi, give encouragement, still have a score and provide a reference besides.} In addition to checking answer, there is also right answer of hermeneutic, from the learning in the mistake. {In addition to checking answer, there is also right answer of hermeneutic, learn from the mistake.}
Take the Grammar Exercises- Tenses as an example
We do the practice through, pressing check, this answer that will check you automatically, {We do the practice through, pressing check, this answer that can check you automatically,}
Your answer to of will have a Zi with male happy, wrong of will cry of male Zi, very interesting, {Your answer to of can have a Zi with male happy, wrong of can cry of male Zi, very interesting, / Your answer to of will have a Zi with male happy, wrong of will cry of male Zi, very interesting, / Your answer to of can have a Zi with male happy, wrong of can cry of male Zi, very interesting,}
Answer the wrong answer will correct for you, also having already explained {Answer the wrong answer can correct for you, also having already explained / Answer the wrong answer will correct for you, also being hermeneutic / Answer the wrong answer can correct for you, also being hermeneutic}
Everyone might as well a try