有關愛情 (女仔入)

2007-03-16 5:33 am

回答 (6)

2007-03-16 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Being panic, not sure how to answer u.Maybe she has good feeling towards u as well, and wants to be with u dic, but first of all, might want to seek for advices from her friends or the others first.
2) Testing u. Want to know whether u realli love her or not, so just keep silent for some time, and see whether u will give up or not later on.

I believe she has good feelings towards u dic, if no, then she might want to tell u the truth as quick as possible, in order not to make the problem worse. But if the truth is she's having zero feeling towwards u, just dunno how to reply u, afraid that it might hurt u, then i think she's far too irresponsible and not sensible enough.( coz now she's just wasting your time and consuming your energy)

First of all, I assume u two are very good friends or even soul-mates already. Then i believe if u realli love her, please do bring out your guts. Be brave, and phone her directly and ask for her reply. Or maybe u can send her SMS and ask whether is there something that she's afraid of telling u. And do emphasize on u are her soul-mate, she can share every thing with u, so if there's any problem, she shouldn' feel embarrassed to tell u dic.

Hope can help u^ ^"
參考: My own wordings.
2007-03-16 5:01 pm
暫時嚟睇, 佢好似係唔鐘意你喎......................
咁你睇吓自己想點? 扮冇嘢做番朋友?
如果你真係好鐘意佢, 咁就繼續努力啦, 做住朋友先......或者你所做嘅一切會令佢感動, 有機會會鐘意你呢!!!! 我都有朋友鐘意咗個女仔, 但人哋唔鐘意佢, 仲駡佢, 但佢都唔放棄, 人地有男朋友佢都照追, 一追就追咗十年, 最後....哈哈!!比佢搞掂咗, 而家結埋婚生埋仔添....你有冇咁嘅毅力 :-p
2007-03-16 11:46 am
i don't think she likes you.... that's y she keeps avoiding u becoz she probably thought that if she juz ignore it, things will get better.... i know this coz something like that happened to me too!! (i m a girl) there's a guy who likes me asked me out, and i was really scared coz i don't like him, but in the same time i didn't want to hurt him either, so i kept avoiding him~ my fds kept asking me wt am i going to do and i said exactly the same thing---我唔知.... but at last this guy and i had a talk and everyting solve... so, i think u should try to talk to her, but u hv to make sure she's comfortable enough first... and u can tell her to bring a fd wif her when u are talking to her!!!!
Good Luck!!
2007-03-16 5:47 am
佢可能對你有好 感,不過又唔想比人知,又唔知應唔應該接受你, 同你一齊, 所以先咁嫁姐
你比d時間佢, 等佢諗下啦!
係呢段時間期間, 你同佢繼續朋友關係, 間唔中用你嘅行動黎表示你對佢嘅誠意,
2007-03-16 5:42 am
參考: 我經驗
2007-03-16 5:38 am

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