2007-03-16 5:33 am
FLAME test係唔係only test for ions??
element 得唔得架??

回答 (2)

2007-03-17 11:47 am
FLAME test only test for metal ions.....

element 唔得
2007-03-17 9:52 am
Apart from testing for cations, flame test can be used to test for metal elements.

In the flame test of a metal, the metal would firstly convert to its metal oxide, which contains the metal ion. Now, the flame test is used to test for the metal oxide, which gives the same flame colour as a compound containing the metal ion.

2007-03-17 02:00:57 補充:
第一位回答者「答非所問」,只是回答為甚麼在 flame test 中使用濃 HCl。而且回答並非自創,抄襲他人,但卻沒有註明,是『盜竊』他人智慧財產的行為。原文:2007-02-18 23:39:59http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007021801234

2007-03-19 01:18:33 補充:
有人話 flame test 唔可以試 element,因為佢有學過。What is the flame colour of burning calcium in air ? brick redWhat is the flame colour of burning sodium in air ? golden yellowWhat is the flame colour of burning copper in air ? blue greenWhat is the flame colour of burning potassium in air ? lilacWhy ?

2007-03-31 23:08:54 補充:

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