抽象派...( $10)

2007-03-16 4:59 am


回答 (2)

2007-03-16 5:03 am
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20 th □by □the western □America □ideological trend and the school, it deny traces □a □physical image, the host □abstract table □. The common □abstract host □(Abstractism), is abstract □□, with the abstractionist school is with □□. It contains □□□: □likely leaves by the nature □, performs □□, or extracts its rich table □characteristic the factor, forms □□, □its broad image; Not by natural physical image □base □□He?cheng.
2007-03-16 5:11 am
抽象表現主義(Abstract Expressionism),即抽象藝術、抽象表現派、抽象主義、抽象派,又稱紐約畫派(The New York School)或行動畫派(Action Painting),一般被了解為一種非直接描繪自然世界的藝術,反而透過形狀和顏色以主觀方式來表達。是二次大戰前的藝術運動,受超現實主義及繼承蘇俄構成主義的影響。20世紀初期,抽象藝術主要是指表達自然世界的藝術,譬如立體主義和未來派藝術。雖然奪取某事它不變的內在質量而不是由仿效它的外在表現。
抽象派被定義為沒有比喻現實參考的藝術。更廣闊的定義是以簡化但又可以保留原始自然的方式來描述真實題材。Joan Miro的抽象畫是這個更寬的定義一個好例子。
抽象表現派並不能稱做是一種主義或運動,而是指在抽象主義的大前提下,從事創作,每個人走自己獨創的道路,缺乏有形的組織。此畫派的共通性是:畫幅大,追求二次元性,打破立體影像的描繪,進一步表現內在的真實。 他們的畫面都是非具象的,以立體派及超現實主義系統為基本,運用抽象的表現方法,追求內在和心理的表現,以最簡單的手法,表現最深刻的思想。





Abstract expressionism was an American post-World War II art movement. It was the first specifically American movement to achieve worldwide influence and also the one that put New York City at the center of the art world, a role formerly filled by Paris. The term "Abstract expressionism" was first applied to American art in 1946 by the art critic Robert Coates.


An abstract expressionist painting by Jane Frank (1918-1986): "Crags and Crevices", 1961
Technically, an important predecessor is surrealism, with its emphasis on spontaneous, automatic or subconscious creation. Jackson Pollock's dripping paint onto a canvas laid on the floor is a technique that has its roots in the work of Max Ernst. Another important early manifestation of what came to be abstract expressionism is the work of American Northwest artist Mark Tobey, especially his "white writing" canvases, which, though generally not large in scale, anticipate the "all over" look of Pollock's drip paintings.
The movement gets its name because it is seen as combining the emotional intensity and self-expression of the German Expressionists with the anti-figurative aesthetic of the European abstract schools such as Futurism, the Bauhaus and Synthetic Cubism. Additionally, it has an image of being rebellious, anarchic, highly idiosyncratic and, some feel, rather nihilistic. In practice, the term is applied to any number of artists working (mostly) in New York who had quite different styles, and even applied to work which is not especially abstract nor expressionist. Pollock's energetic "action paintings", with their "busy" feel, are different both technically and aesthetically, to the violent and grotesque Women series of Willem de Kooning (which are figurative paintings) and to the serenely shimmering blocks of colour in Mark Rothko's work (which is not what would usually be called expressionist and which Rothko denied was abstract), yet all three are classified as abstract expressionists.

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