
2007-03-16 3:59 am
The blame for this is placed on attractive and glamorous images such advertising creates. It is created by linking cigarette-smoking, in particular, with high-profile sports such as motor racing and tennis. Critics claim that this persuades youngsters to start smoking. We should stress that this is an unproven claim.

回答 (3)

2007-03-16 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
The blame for this is placed on attractive and glamorous images such advertising

creates. It is created by linking cigarette-smoking, in particular, with high-profile
創造。它由連接創造香煙抽煙, 特別是, 與惹人註目

sports such as motor racing and tennis. Critics claim that this persuades youngsters

to start smoking. We should stress that this is an unproven claim.
開始抽煙。我們應該注重, 這是一個未經證明的要求。
2007-03-16 4:09 am
責備為此在有吸引力被安置,并且這樣做廣告生成的迷人的圖像。 它是通過連接香煙抽煙創造的, 特別是, 以惹人註目的體育例如馬達賽跑和網球。 評論家聲稱這說服年輕人開始抽煙。 我們應該注重這是一個未經證明的要求。
參考: ME
2007-03-16 4:04 am
責備為這被安置在有吸引力並且這樣做廣告創造的迷人的圖像。它由連接創造香煙抽煙, 特別是, 與惹人註目的體育譬如馬達賽跑和網球。評論家聲稱這說服年輕人開始抽煙。我們應該注重, 這是一個未經證明的要求。

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